The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Out of Denial

There's something I've been dreading for the good part of a year now. I've shed a good many tears on this fear, and devoted several restless nights to it. I was outrunning it for a time, for things seemed strong, and I suppose they were. As of late, things have been changing. Things are turning down paths I cannot go.

While it pains me to say that my fears are becoming actualized, it's nowhere near the pain I imagined it to be a year ago. Sorrow, yes, but not overwhelming depression, as I predicted. It's an unfortunate happening, but it does feel right somehow.

I am me. I cannot change that. I cannot do certain things or act certain ways. Not even for you.

I'll cherrish the years when nothing could come between us. We have lived through some tough things and we've never faultered, save for the passing of time. It would be lovely to rewind, but I'm through wishing for that. I know it's futile. Besides, I'm becoming me, and it's someone I can be proud of. At the same time, you are becoming you, and I pray it's someone you can be proud of as well.

I wish you all the luck in the coming years, if I am no longer a part of them.

4 Responses to “Out of Denial”

  1. # Blogger Scott

    I'm thinking the same way about a few people too. Maybe one of them is the same...  

  2. # Blogger Aubrey

    wow, that's deep. I think I know what you're talking about...hehehe, you said pray...  

  3. # Blogger Christine

    That is deep...and beautiful! I hope things settle...  

  4. # Blogger Elentine

    So do I, and in the past when I've worried about this, it did settle. This time, though, it seems...different. I can't fix it this time. I can't bend anymore.

    This sounds rediculous, and I've sworn never to be one of those people, but I sorta figured out that things weren't working when I *shame* looked at her MySpace Top Friends.  

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