The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd




Know that I don't say this lightly, but this song, for lack of a better word, rocks. It's starts out as a slow ballad type thing, then goes into this orgasmic guitar solo that'll make your head explode. I kid you not. This is an interpretation:

Fingers shouldn't be able to move that fast. I'm no rock connoisseur, but I know enough to know that this is some good shit. Actually, I know virtually nothing about rock. It's rather sad, really. The only stuff I was exposed to growing up was the Eagles, the Beatles, and the Beach Boys. I've only been getting into the good stuff for about two years now. Hell, I hadn't even heard Hendrix until just this summer.

But, yeah, enough about my rock idiocy. This is an awesome song. I actually heard it on Guitar Hero, and it was actually pretty funny. The audience was calling for an encore, particularly of this song. The menu popped up saying "Do you want to do an encore?" or something like that. I said hellz ya, and then another yes/no thing popped up saying "Are you sure?". I pressed yes. Another thing came up: Are you really, really sure? A bit nervous at this point, I still stand with my original decision, and a final "It's OK, you can still back out. Are you absoluletly sure?" Once I got past that stuff, and into the actual song, it was a bit freaky. It starts out tame, but a third of the way into it, the head-exploding guitar solo kicks in, and damn, my fingers hurt after it was all said and done. Oh, and then my guitar player was abducted by aliens. Fun game, fun game...

Oh, one more reason with GH2 is awesome. At the end of the song "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight", the drummer explodes on stage. If you've seen This Is Spinal Tap, you should get the joke. "He was just a flash of green light...and that was it, nothing was left..."

Back to the original purpose of this post, Free Bird is an amazing song. Oh, and don't listen to Shankill Butchers at night.

1 Responses to “Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd”

  1. # Blogger Christine is awesome.

    Heh, I didn't start listening to good stuff till a couple years ago either...but c'mon - it's HENDRIX!  

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