The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Flight of the B-52

It seems like every time I venture to my grandparents house, I'm fed a new alcoholic delight. This particular one included one part Kalua, one part Bailey's Irish Cream, and one part Grand Marnier, and all bad-ass. Holy schnikeys, dudes, it's freakin' strong. But it was ever so tasty. It's sorta like like a White Russian with balls. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, I just love the taste of alcohol. Besides, I think kids who're introduced to alchohol when they're younger (in moderation of course) are less inclined to binge and be reckless with it, because it's not some special, forbidden thing. I dunno, those're just my thoughts. Now, for the next few hours, I'm gonna be attempting to digest the pounds and pounds of food I just ate. I hear the average person would have to run 20 miles in order to work off Thanksgiving dinner. Ah, isn't America just dandy? I love Turkey Day.

1 Responses to “Flight of the B-52”

  1. # Blogger Christine

    Ahhh, I love alcohol. But no one has to know that. Hehehehehe, Kalua is AWESOME. I didn't know it was alcohol the first time I had it. Heh.  

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