The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

I Hate Elections

Seriously, fuck those things. You put your heart and soul into a candidate, into a measur, and what do you get in return? Failure. Total, absolute, crushing failure. But, for once, I can be happy ...and oh my god, is that that asian dude from Star Trek: TOS? Mr. Zulu, or whatever his name was (I'm a Next Generation fan). If not, it really looks like him. Seriously, he could be his twin or something. That's some freaky -- wait, I was saying something, wasn't I? Oh, right, happiness. Well, the Measure 43 vote isn't official, but it's leaning towards the "No" end, which means the majority of Oregonians aren't idiots!! I don't know about you, but that comes as a surprise to me.

Well, for once, I'm gonna make the most of this Election Day, and for a lifelong democrat, Duck, and Colts fan, that's saying something. "Oh well, there's always next--wait, what, we won? Uh...well, um, woohoo? W00h00!"

2 Responses to “I Hate Elections”

  1. # Blogger Christine comes at a shock when something good comes out of election, doesn't it. Mhmm, but then, I guess we'll have another losing streak for a while.

    For governer, I wasn't really supporting either - they all suck. But I dunno, you may be supporting one of them, so yeah...I won't go further.  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    Yeah, i really didn't care one way or the other. Kulongoski was a democrat, so that was the only reason I was for him.  

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