The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.


Sorry about the sparatic blog posts lately. I've really gotten lazy. There used to be a time when I'd have a new post every day or so. The proverbial Good Ol' Days. There wasn't even a pirate-themed post on Talk Like a Pirate day! To catch up on the past couple weeks' events, I will try and be brief. Note the "try". I promise nothing. Just remember that instead of being several long posts, it's just one really long post.

  • Talk Like a Pirate Day! -- Arr, it be the best hol-er-day there is. Ye couldn't even talk to yer classes without called "Ahoy!" to a fellow sea-dog. As ye can see, me pirate-speak be a wee rough, but that don't matter. It be a hoot nevertheless. (And I ne'r got called "gay" once. Aye, I'll drink to that.)
  • Logan...argh, see the previous post. Now he's finally starting to get the hints, thanks to Mr. Sellevaag, so life in 3rd period's improving.
  • Speaking of 3rd Period...--You know the saying "You can't judge a book by its cover"? Of course you have. Everyone and their cat has heard it. Although, it's annoyingly corny, I'm beginning to see the relevance of it. I thought my English class was a bunch of school-hating idiots, and for the most part it is. There's a couple people, though, that really surprise me. They're actually smart enough to be in Honors. As long as one has an open mind, anything can be seen in a positive light.
  • Putnam's Winning Season--What the hell? Seriously, we're 3-1. That's more wins than losses! What the heck's going on? Are we, dare I say, kind of not that bad? I'm a democrat, a Duck, and a Colts fan, so I can maintain upbeat cynicism pretty darn well. But we've scored so many touchdowns that I'm beginning to memorize the fight song, which is just plain weird. If we get to 4-1, then I'm really going to be lost.
  • Last Weekend--Egads, where do I start? Well, spending the night with Aubrey was a blast. Not only did I explain to her the sleeping patterns of squirrels, but I got to meet Kuma! Ooo, she's so cute! The LO Saturday Market was everything an LO Saturday Market should be. Fancy, and delicious food. The pigs on a stick was a surprise, though. I had no idea how much I missed Oaks Park. The new Lewis and Clark Adventure (Through the Haunted Mine) is hilariously bad, and oh so very, very wrong. The shooting gallery was barrels of fun, as was ski ball. I can't believe we spent $15 for two 50 cent bead necklaces.
  • Last Weekend Pt. 2 -- I can officially say I've been to Nike Town. I can now truly call myself a Portlander. Andrea's birthday was like every other one of her birthdays: awesome. I was really touched when you included me in your family dinner. It really meant a lot. And the Melting Pot was AMAZING! Totally going back there for my birthday.

2 Responses to “Sloppiness”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    LMAO the Lewis and Clark thing was AWESOME! BEST RIDE EVER! The bear that humps,the black light, the 'future', etc. You had never been to Nike Town?!? My god, I went there when I was like 6! I haven't been in a while though...*tear* We should do a downtown thing sometime soon cuz I know that place like the back of my hand, perhaps breakfast at Powells, lunch in china town, snack at Saturday Market, and gelato at that gelato place. OoO! and Moonstruck! lol  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    Mmm...junk food...I'm in!  

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