The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Goodbye Summer

Ok, so we still have four more days of it (god, that's it?), but seeing as it's now September, one can't really call it "summer" anymore. It kinda just feels like a long weekend now.

It's been a good summer. I actually did stuff, which is always a surprise. I grew to enjoy MySpace, the Shins, and the single life. I've come close to making my dream a reality, and on my terms to boot.

Enough looking back, though. Here's what's happened recently. I went in for my quarterly check up, at which the diagnostics people lost my xray orders. Again. After an hour in diagnostics, I spent an hour in the oncology office. It wasn't Olsen or Chu this time, though. It was this one chick that I'd never met, and decided to give me a rather lengthly lecture about things that'll kill me faster than normal people. Oy, like I haven't heard enough of those already. Included in the lecture was a bit about sexual precautions. Ha, no, that wasn't uncomfortable....

But back to the xrays. Apparently there was a spot on them they needed to check out. And no, of course they can't just do a simple MRI test to check it out. They want to do a full blown PET scan. Good god. I'm assuming no one here has had the misfortune of having one. Well, it begins with an injection of radioactive material with a very large needle. From there, you're told to sit quietly in a small, dark room for 45 minutes. They tell you to sleep, but when you're laying on a metal "bed", that's really not in the cards. So, after singing little songs and counting the holes in the tiles for 45 minutes, they take you out of the room and take you to the actual machine, several rooms down. Savor the journey. It may be the last time you move for two hours. The first one I had took the full 2 hours, but seeing as they just want to look at the leg this time, I'm hoping it's gonna be shorter.

I have no idea when this scan's gonna be, but if it's during school, I'm gonna freak. Am I nervous that they found something on the x-ray? No, just annoyed; annoyed that I have to waste several hours of my day on a false alarm. Oy.

2 Responses to “Goodbye Summer”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    It's not that long of a post. I personally like longer posts, it usually means they're better.  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    I never say much in real life, so this is where I let it all out.  

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