The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Looking Back

The new school year is swiftly approaching, so I suppose this requires a look back at last year; the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm sure we'll all agree that it wasn't the best year. It certainly didn't top 8th grade, but it was enjoyable none the less. It may not have been as fun filled, but it definately made me realize a few things. Last year was a year of growth, rather than a year of coasting.

The moment that screams loudest happened way back in the month of February. You might know already what I'm about to say. Bre and Jeremy had just started going out. Well, this bugged me for several reasons, but the worst was that both these people that I considered friends at the time (and still do, don't worry) totally neglected to fill me in on something that was pretty major. Truth be told, I've never been so angry in my life. But that's also what I enjoyed about it.

Some may not realize it, as I usually keep it in check, but I have a horrible temper. When I have too much on my plate (like around Finals), I let it slip a bit. The reason that I found the event in February mildly enjoyable was because I could finally be angry. It was a little, much needed vacation from happy and calm. I began to notice that it wasn't just the lack of information that upset me, although I was able to rationalize those thoughts away pretty fast.

Now, I'm not saying I enjoyed being left in the dark, but I found that it's important to have someone or something to act as a vent, because the more it's built up, the worse it's gonna be. Pleasantness, at times, can be a vice.

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