The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Sunriver: something for everyone.

Damn, I love this place. I wish ya'll were here, though. There's something here for everyone.

For Andrea, there's bike riding. I've been on atleast one ride every day. Sometimes, I even go on two. That's two more than I've gone on in....well, two years. You know, if we lived around here, I'd go on a ride with you everyday. Sunriver holds a special place in my heart for biking, as I learned to ride those two wheeled monstrosities here.

For Jeremy, there's tennis courts, TONS of tennis courts. And, alas, I am without a racket, a ball, and someone to play against.

For Scott, there's video games. Here I am, surrounded by tons and tons gorgeous scenery, and I'm holed up inside. I think I've racked up 30 hours of Oblivion playtime just during my stay here. Oh, on the subject of Oblivion, you shall now refer to me as the Champion of Cyrodiil. Oh yeah, I beat the game, or, rather, beat the main quest. Even though that's done, there's still a helluva lot more to do. And it's still so purdy!

Anyway, for Bre, there's furry little creatures. Seriously, this place is thick with them. We traveled up to the Mouth of the Metolious, and the chipper-monkeys looked as though they were willing to kill for a peanut, even though their chubby little cheeks were already stuffed with them. Cute, but deadly, to be sure.

So, it sounds like Band Camp rocked. I'm definately going next year. That is, if Bre's going, too.

3 Responses to “Sunriver: something for everyone.”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    hehehe my evil plan is working, the chipper-monkeys shall now take over the world!!  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    We'll be back in two years. I'll take you then! It really gets dull here when your only company is family.  

  3. # Blogger our_last_october

    yay for tennis courts!!  

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