The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

M's the 13th letter of the alphabet!!

That was the bit of knowledge I gained during the history final, which, with the exception of about 8 questions, was incredibly easy. All that studying definitely paid off. I don't think it would've been as easy without those Resourses I spent on it. That was a slight jab at Bre, who accused Elyse and I of ditching her during Resource. Yes, we ditched her during Study Hall so we could study. Horrible, aren't we? Normally, this would be something I would complain about on my private blog, but I really don't give a damn anymore. My peaceful side is gone, dead. It's withered away for the past year, and quite drastically over the last few months, starting around Spring Break. Maybe it's the meds or the events of the past week that have pushed me over the edge, but all I know is that I've had it.

I've given it some thought, because when we were saying things that annoy eachother, I couldn't place what it is you do that really gets under my skin. Sometimes, words just can't be put to it. I think I've got it mostly down, though. One major thing is your total lack of sympathy. You simply don't care. Maybe you do, but no one sees it. Honestly, it doesn't seem like you care about anything besides band. Your footloose and fancy free attitude is refreshing on some occations, but you need to learn when to take it down a notch.

Another thing is when we're on AIM, you'll send random lyrics DURING A CONVERSATION! Not even during a lull, but when I'm actually trying to say something! That's why I hardly ever go onto AIM. I don't give a fuck what the chorus of the Lady's Got Potential is! No one does! When no one's saying anything, then it's fine. Atleast it entertains you (you and you only, by the way). When I'm actually trying to talk about something, something I find fairly important, and all you have to say is the lyrics to Oh What a Circus, I'm not exactly compelled to say anything more. I hardly ever sign on anymore because I inevitably have to talk to you. In person, you're usually fine, but on AIM, you have an intolerable tone of bitchiness.

Also, you're flighty. What exactly do I mean by that? Well, here's an example: at the beginning of May, it was "Oh, Spwencer, I wuv you! I want you back! Pwease, will you go out with me again? PWEASE!" Once that failed, it was "Well, I'm a single band geek. Jordan's a single band geek. Yeah, this should work." That didn't pan out, I guess, so you moved on to yet another band geek: Dan, and this is where we reside today. When it comes to guys, you're a bit desperate. I wistfully want one, but I don't let it control my life, Andrea has one and is quite content, and Elyse has barely even thought of one. When you have a list, it's time to rethink a few things.

You ditch people. It wasn't just Jeremy when you two were going out, it's a lot of people. You already know about this one, because it seriously pissed off your entire Freshman friend base. And the improvements have been minimal. That's what gets me. You know these things that people hate about you, and yet you do little or nothing to change it. Don't you care? We aren't just some class where you can do a half-assed job and get by with a C, we're your friends. Okay, I should really refrain from using plurals like "we" because I wholly for myself. I'm sure there are those that aren't annoyed by you, and I know there's one that doesn't want to get involved.

Know that this goes both ways. I want to take whatever I dish out. From this major stuff to even the way I pronounce a certain word, I wanna know how I annoy people. This goes for everyone, not just Bre. I laid it on pretty thick, and now I'm ready for some pay back.

5 Responses to “M's the 13th letter of the alphabet!!”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    First off, everyone thought the test was easy, I thought the test was easy and that I did very well on it, not just you. Second, do you think I give a damn that you think I'm "flighty"? If you do, think again. Third, I still don't see how I ditch people, maybe you've become too annoying to be around (which apparently is what you say about me) I could say that you ditch me too. Fourth, Andrea, if I were you, I wouldn't make many more comments like that because I could fire them right back at you, there are somethings that I've been holding back from saying to you because Scott's my friend and I know that he would totally get pissed at me and I still want him as a friend. Lastly, I don't really care what Elyse thinks, I don't consiter her one of my good friends so I could almost care less what she thinks about me.  

  2. # Blogger Scott

    I am switzerland! well you join me andrea? *kicks her shin suggestively*  

  3. # Blogger Elentine

    lol, the Danish Switzerland...

    Anyway, I said you could say crap about me, I didnt' say you could about Andrea (unless she wants it, that is). This is still our fight, first and formost, regardless of who gets pulled in.

    You can lock yourself in a box (and that's clearly what you're doing right now) or you can listen to the honest opinion of your closest friends. For once, quit being so defensive and really listen to what I have to say. You're one of the most arrogant and ignorant people I know, but you manage to keep it under control most of the time. You just have a problem of knowing when to turn it off. If you care about our friendship at all, you'll lower your barriers for a little bit and try and find the truth in what I say.

    *off topic kernel of happiness: i got 112/135 on the Russia portion and 90/95 on the rest(one of the highest on that section). w00t w00t!*  

  4. # Blogger Aubrey

    Hey, Andrea tried to bring herself into this and I'm not saying anything about her, I was just warning her what she might be getting herself into. Part of me wants to say that I don't give a damn about your opinion another part wants me to give up. I just don't see how I'm arrogent and ignorant. Until I have someone point out SPECIFIC things, then I have no clue what you're saying.  

  5. # Blogger Elentine

    Just for future reference, Andrea wasn't actually calling Switzerland, she just likes the word. She doesn't even know what "Calling Switzerland" does.  

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