The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Ah, where has all the magic gone?

For the longest time, I believed we were ourselves become of some unexplained, mystical coincidence. We feel because we were supposed to. Our minds were mysterious places whose strange machinations could not be explained; where we were beings, not systems. It was a world that had no boundaries. The thought that it was run by simple cells and chemical reactions was not only absurd, but rather insulting.

This is a bit of sixteenth century thinking, I know. Primitive and hardly appropriate for our current age, but I enjoyed having life more...Mysterious. What I feel and what I think aren't mine anymore, they're the property of cells and chemicals. Ridiculous to think this, but is there even a me?

Knowing that everything that makes us up is simply a delicate system rather erases all things mystical. Even ghosts can be scientifically explained. On Ghost Hunters last night (*tear* season finale...A whole summer without hearing those guys say "Dude!") they were talking about types of rocks that--and I'm not sure how to exactly explain this--record events then, under the right circumstances, play them back through the release of energy, like a broken record.

Is that really all it is? Just the release of energy? Granted, it's hardly a simple feat, but, really, is that it? It doesn't explain all hauntings, though. Poltergeists, for example, don't apply to the memory rock theory. Spirits who interact with the living are don't apply, either. That's reassuring, atleast. Some things can't be explained by simple science...yet.

1 Responses to “Ah, where has all the magic gone?”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    "We feel because we were supposed to. Our minds were mysterious places whose strange machinations could not be explained; where we were beings, not systems. "

    Our minds are still mysterious places, not everything is known about them just yet. Tecnically, we're still us, we maybe made up of cells and everything, but we still have our minds. The brain has the limbic system, the system with memories and feelings. Different people experiance different feelings for different things, we learn how we should feel about certain stuff when we're young. We learn how to react to things, that can't mean that we're just things if we can learn how to react to situations. It may not be "magic" but it doesn't mean that we're not us and we're just some random thing that really has no purpose. As for ghosts, there are different things besides the recording in the stones, that's just a recording of history, it's not actually consitered to be a spirit then, that doesn't mean that that explains all the other types of spirits, such as demonic etities or intelligent entities.
    Don't know if that made any sence, but that's what I have to say.  

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