The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Coming Full Circle

The Band Bus has finally gone back to its roots. Contrary to some, I found the overnighter quite enjoyable. Something I found rather funny is that the one looking forward to it the most had the worst time. Rather unfortunate, but the irony amuses me nevetheless.

The band letter and the "Most Improved" award was a nice way to start it out. Scott, congrats on your award, as well. We rock like that. The toilet paper wedding video was pretty hillarious. Joey made for a lovely flower girl, and Cory's dress/outfit/thing was a work of brilliance.

The Overnighter was pretty good, I suppose. The big plus this year was that the doors remained unlocked. Last year, I remember being locked out for quite a while. Last year, I drew and read Chobits. This year, I didn't even touch my notebook, and instead played card games (yay!). There was some DDR this time around (I was too embarassed and uncoordinated to do it last year). Surprisingly, I actually prefer the movies they had last year, because atleast they varried. This time around was a Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson marathon, with Hitchhiker's Guide and it's freaky white mice to break it up. They played Zoolander twice! Twice! I can't even stand it once! I've seen it too much. Bre, that's the reason I didn't want to go see the movie with you. Whenever you asked me, Zoolander was playing. Although I did see it the second time...that was just because Hitchhiker's Guide ended and I didn't want to cross over to the caffeteria and get my socks, I hate wet socks.

Hmm...I'm sure there's more I wanted to say, but the curse of the short attention span, which plagued me last year when I was writing about the BAN (Band All-Nighter), is back. That, and I'm sleep deprived, it's almost 11pm, and the Force is balancing things out again (see the September 26th post if you don't get that).

1 Responses to “Coming Full Circle”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    dude, I'm soooo calling Rheo "Reheo" now...  

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