The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Your romantic fantasies will come bed

That really has nothing to do with this post, but it was my fortune from my fortune cookie and I thought it was funny. Your really don't even need to add "in bed" to it, it's already implied. So, anyways...

This is the first of my "Let's join hands and be happy!" posts. So...happiness... uhh...Oh!! My mom's back from the east coast, and that means I have the camera back, which means that I can take embarassing pictures of Emily now! BWAHAHAHA!!

Behold!! Her majesty, Emily!

And you really must see the boots...

I think they kinda look like those really ugly fuzzy boots that everyone was wearing for a while. I think they were called Ugz, or something. Well, whatever they were called, she'd got them now. I'm sure the teasings of the neighborhood cats, who once held her in high esteem, is pretty brutal.

3 Responses to “Your romantic fantasies will come bed”

  1. # Blogger Scott

    lol, the cat has boots.  

  2. # Blogger Aubrey

    hehehe, I love ending things with "in bed"! Here's a few of mine: "A cheeful letter or message is on its way to bed" (it's creepy cuz I got that one about 5 times at 5 different places last year...) and "Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is bed!"  

  3. # Blogger Elentine

    Dude!! I got that last one on a Jones Soda sticker!  

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