The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Written this morning, camping

So, it's morning. About 5:30 to be exact, but I've been up longer than that. All i can hear is the river, the geese, and the birds. Oh, and the highway, train, and Bre's dad's snoring.

Yesterday, I had a fairly tramatizing experience with a tick, and so did Bre. it didn't attatch to our skin (atleast I don't think so...), it just got on our clothes and freaked us out pretty bad. Bre also had a run in with something large, black, and buzzing, although niether o fus actually know what it was. So, the grasslands, as long as ou can cope with the snakes and the bugs, are great. Me, I love snakes, except when they're poisonous and inconveniently hidden. Then, not so much...

Today, I expect we're gonna on one or 2 last hikes. Bre doesn't refer to what we've been doing "hikes", but I say a hike is anytime you're walking in nature. Ewww...there's a bug on my first, I thought it was just a comma that ran away. Looking around, I see a lot of little bugs, and one kinda looks like it's hanging from a spider web, but a spider web mean's there's...a...spider...AHH!

Well, I'm sure if there was a spider, I ate it. I have an unfortunate knack for these things.

Ok, so, now it's 5:50. Yay, I've spent 20 minutes talking about *scans writing* absolutely nothing!

Hmm, I have to pee. Ew, and Bre farted. But should I go pee? I'm pretty sure the zipper would wake everyone up. Besides, it's cold out there. Oh, I'll just wait for Bre to wake up...but who knows how long that'll be? Oh, wow, right now. Oh, no, wait, she went back to sleep. Dude, why can't I get back to sleep?! It's frickin 6 am. I've missed sunrise, so, really, what's the point anymore?

Great, now I'm tired AND I have to pee. Perfect...

Ew, there's stuff under my nails..*picks stuff out of nails* ... *mentions it here because I'm simply that bored*

I kinda wish we went camping on Mt. Hood. I know it better up there. And this time of year would be great, because there's not that many bees. All I really remember from the last trip was the bees and the 8:00pm deer.

Ok, the tent's making a popping sound. Either it's raining, or it stimply just wants to annoy me (and it's doing a very good job of it).

Dude, Star Trek has tainted my mind. Now, whenever I say something smart in my head, I picture that wierd little albino dude from the Next Generation saying it. And I've only seen 4 episodes! Hehe, dong! (Andrea'll get that)

2 Responses to “Written this morning, camping”

  1. # Blogger our_last_october

    hahaha you have Data stuck in your head  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    That's his name?? I suppose it's better than Wierd Albino Dude  

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