The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Oh God, the Mental Scarring...

My mom just got back from a party. A "bedroom fun" party. And if that weren't bad enough, she actually came back with something! Judging by the size of the bag, it's some *gulp* lube. Oh, dear God, no... That's not something anyone should have to picture. Why, Andrea? WHY? Why did your mom have to hold that god-forsaken party?? My innocent, naive mind has been scarred!!! *proceeds to spork eyes out*

If that weren't enough, she also described some of the other, um, "goodies" that they had. She actually felt she needed to explain what a toy was. If I'm not in a right state of mind when you see me next, you'll know why. *twitch*

4 Responses to “Oh God, the Mental Scarring...”

  1. # Blogger our_last_october

    oh my god im so sorry. i know how it is  

  2. # Blogger Scott

    sarah... i don't know what to say. think of happy thoughts.  

  3. # Blogger Aubrey

    ROFLMAO! SUCKS FOR YOU! (Ha, had to say that since everyone else was sympathetic) Anywho, my mom may have divorced my dad, taken custidy of me, makes me do my homework and yells at me from time to time, but I guess there is one way that my mom is a good parent, she never feels the need to talk about sex with me. She'll bring it up and i'll be like "mom, we have health at school for a reason" and we leave it at that.  

  4. # Blogger Elentine

    Damn you, Bre. You're lucky. Oh, when i was taking a shower, i found one of the things she bought. It's supposed to soften hair (not head hair, though). It's not as bad as what I originally thought, but there's still one more bottle I have yet to stumble upon.  

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