The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Take A Stand

~~This was an assignment in English, and, God, it was hard to write. I've lost all hope in getting my voice heard, and having good triumph over evil, but I wrote that it could. It was like our one assignment in which we had to talk about sometime where someone has shown you prejudice. Hello! I'm an upper-middle-class, white, partially Christian American! What prejudice could I possible face? And yet a wrote a page about it. hehe, I can really write about anything. Anywho's, here's the Voice of the Future thing. Personally, I think it's a piece of shit, but, then again, I always think that about something I didn't enjoy writing. It starts out strong, but goes to hell from there. Enjoy...~~

It has almost always been but one voice. One soul to speak for the masses. The oppressed have repeatedly found someone to take their emotions and make them words. The voice of the disheartened is often neither incredibly wealthy, nor extremely powerful. They have simply felt their peoples’ grief and decided to put an end to it. Like a pebble may start ripples or a landslide, so may one person start the reform that can eventually make the lives of the suffering a little easier.

The speaker may be as prominent as Gandhi, or as meek as a child, but in the end, all that is ever done is stand up to a bully—some simply back down harder than others. While revolutionaries like Martin Luther King Jr. cause a great impact on mankind, a helping hand doesn’t have to be on such a major scale. It can be, and usually is as simple as helping someone who’s having a bad day. We may not realize it, but every kind word gives the weary a reason to go on.

While we tend to think of oppressors as cruel dictators and insane lynch mobs, the truth is there are many more that hit far closer to home. It can be someone who scrutinizes another’s appearance, the relentless teasing of those too docile to defend themselves, or even your best friend who’s bestial criticism goes unchecked and unchallenged. Those who do not stand up to evil and are capable of doing so are just as responsible for the spread of evil. Perhaps those who are being wronged are unknown to you. If it were a friend, we would step in, of course, but isn’t the one being harassed someone’s friend, too?

We can think to ourselves that someday, the tormentors will come to see the evil of their ways. We can convince ourselves that everything will work itself out in the end, but it won’t. It never does. Evil is stopped only by those who resist it. We must be the ones to do it. We owe it to the generations that have led us here, and to the generations that will follow. A better day will come only when we take a stand.

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