The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Well, uh, ya. There it is...

Don't fear tomorrow, for it will soon become yesterday

That ideat, that all things good and bad must come to pass, seems to change meaning with as the moon changes shape. In bad times, it's the very wings of hope. All daunting tasks will eventually be dead and gone. However, in good times, that idea is a piercing cry which signals the night to end or the buses to leave.

Future becoming past is the rhythm my heart beats to. There are very few good tings to live for right now. Why is it that my friends' joy brings me nothing but grief? Is it possible that I, Sarah Kehoe, am finally growing lonely?

Bre clutches to Jeremy, Andrea clutches to Scott, and I--I clutch to, well, no one, save my binder. Seeing them with their boyfriends, they appear whole, and that has me now wondering if maybe I'm not. This whole thing has left me feeling bitter, cold, and lost.

I found out about Bre and Jeremy on Wednesday, but it wasn't either of them that told me. It was Andrea, who heard it from Scott, who Bre trusted enought to tell. I don't want to hear about it from a friend of a friend, because I am a friend. Or, at least, I thought I was.

After hearing it from Andrea, I decided not to say anything and pretend I didn't know. I wanted Bre to tell me personally. This was lunch, after I had already spent the morning and two class periods with her. When it was empty pinings for Scott or Ban, she wouldn't sut up. When it's something of importance, she says, "Oops, I guess I forgot to tell you."

She finally told me in history (the next day) but that was after Sam started up the conversation. Her excuse was more painful that the crime. "I thought you already knew." The truth was, I did already know, but I didn't want to be told by a secondary cource. I'm not some person you occationally talk to at lunch. I talk to you every day, I know you, I went to the god damny Blues Festival with you! Tell me when these things happen!

You were right to say I'm not stoic, because I sure as hell am pissed now! But don't worry, because if (and that's a big if) I ever get a boyfriend, you'll be the first to know. That's what friends do, right?

2 Responses to “Well, uh, ya. There it is...”

  1. # Blogger our_last_october

    i feel so mean i really thought that aubrey told you. god im such ass.I dont know what to say  

  2. # Blogger our_last_october

    feel so mean i really thought that aubrey told you. god im such an ass.I dont know what to say  

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