The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

The Year In Review

The following list comemorates all personal things that happened this year

The Good...
-Began high school
-Feb 25!! The best damn day of the year
-Switched from flute to oboe
-Saw the Lion King play not once, not twice, but 3 times!
-Friday Night Frenzy! No matter when I went, something fun happened
-The Ring 2! The movie sucked, but seeing it with a bunch of teenagers turned it from stupid to hillarious
-Star Wars Episode 3!! Going to the midnight showing with people that were far more geeky than me is something I won't soon forget. And it didn't suck as bad as Ep. 1 or 2!
-Started this blog, and started my obsession with AIM
-HARRY POTTER!!! The 6th book was...ok...BUT THE 4TH MOVIE ROCKED!!
-Actually donated to a charity when Katrina hit!! But felt like crap for not donating to the tsunami relief

The Bad
-Began High School
-An evil thing called Boyfriend started to cross my mind
-Slaved away in the Savannah House
-Started to loose a close friend
-Found out I hate the oboe
-Got the traveling bug, now I'm never happy

The Ugly (actually, it's just a list of peculiar dreams)
-An elaborate info-mercial explaining how foam is harmful to male genetalia (something to do with chemicals and chafing)
-3 words: Tour Guide Vader
-At school, which was my house, and we were bunnies. Well, actually, we weren't really bunnies, because we looked like people, but for some odd reason we thought we were bunnies. Oh ya, and it was mating season. For man-bunnies, that included a lot of dry humping on a very large pile of multicolored Legos
-Quite a few ghost dreams. My subconsious mind believes ghosts to be greenish
-The first time in a long while that I've had a dream twice. It went like this: Zack, Brittany Young, and I were helping Mr. Manougian with something (I dunno what it was, I think it had something to do with safety pins and paper snowclips). All the while I was feeling completely useless, which is probably one of my greatest fears ever.
-At an Alpine Resort, I located some yellow snow, which of course means that the world is about to end. I begin freaking out, but know one seems to listen to my warnings of the completely logical omens. As I flee in terror of the pee, I bump into Aragorn, who has dropped the title of King and turned to a more humble field of work: Shop Keeping. He's a smart guy, so he follows me, and we both narrowly escape the ominous avalanch of yellow snow
-I had a couple dreams in the same forest. Both start out like a great dream, but they never end well. One began with me leaving my ghost friend (a blonde Luck Cash) for a lovely walk next to a river during a sunset, but it ended tragically as I realized I didn't have my camera with which I could capture the moment. After I frantically ran back to the cabin to get my camera, the moment was gone, and I woke up before I was able to take a picture. AHHHH!! The other dream I had was just as bad. Me and everyone were mauled by cartoonish Kodiak bears (and I think a polar bear or two)

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