The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Change of Heart

Those reading this blog have noticed that I've been fairly depressed lately. I know, it's been getting annoying. Hell, it was even annoying me! But for some reason, I've got a change of heart. I don't know why. It just happened. So, now I find beauty in everything, which you all will grow equally annoyed of.

A damper was put on my joy, however, on Wednesday. Lost, a show which I have worshipped since the first crypic polar bear, returned from a 3 week hiatus. During those 3 weeks, I was on the verge of pulling out my hair. Last week's new episode was promised to rock da house, and indeed it did. I'm a teenage girl, so my needs are simple. All I need to be satisfied is humor, a furry creature, and a shirtless hot guy. All of the criteria was met. Damn, that Sayid is FINE!

All was going good until Walt popped up (the second time in the episode, not the first), showing himself to both Shannon and Sayid. And then there was the freaky whispers that are super hard to understand. Those evil whispers caused the Tailies to panic and Walt caused Shannon to panic (Sayid's still wondering WTF?) and then BOOM! Shannon down. And who was holding the gun? None other than the least likable person on the show: Ana-Lucia! Somebody kill that bitch, because I've had it! So, now I'm left wondering what Sayid's gonna do about all of this (just a few minutes before Shannon's death, he told her he loved her), but, of course, we won't until 2 weeks from now. Next week, it's all about the tail section, a story which, under any other circumstances, I'd be delighted to see. So, ya, there's my wonderful Wednesday gone horribly, horribly wrong.

2 Responses to “Change of Heart”

  1. # Blogger SafeTinspector

    Anna is super hot, and a tough b@tch as well. (two qualities that I find HOT) I haven't watched the tailie ep yet (I'm scared! I can't stand seeing children menaced)

    All through the first season I hated Shannon. I found her to be the most annoying person on the show, but she was growing on me. Dead now, apparently, and with no foreshadowing at all! Who can talk french to the French lady now?

    Looking forward to seeing what Sayid will do, too..  

  2. # Blogger Elentine


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