The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Lesson Learned

Wanna know a sad fact? Everytime I do something, I think about how I'll word it on my newest post. So, at the Homecoming dance, I was taking mental notes of things I should include. I forgot all but one thing: Scott or Andrea"Dogs have phones?" Me"Oh, so that's why coyotes sound so sad. They have huge overage charges" and then laughter ensued. That was at the beginning when my spirits where high from sheer excitement. After all, it was my first major high school dance. My feelings quickly fell from "Oh my god, this is gonna be awsome" to "I paid $8 for THIS?" Never again will I go to another dance.

It seemed like the seed for fun. Bre and Andrea were both there, and Jeremy to top it off. What happened, though, was Jeremy spent the whole time on the bleachers with Nia in his lap (the sight was excrutiating) and Andrea and Bre pretty much just ignored me. They were the only reason I went to this fucking dance and they pretty much just blew me off.

I should've seen this dance disaster coming, though. I mean, it's called a DANCE, implying that one must dance. I both hate and suck at dancing so there wasn't any light coming out of that tunnel. Another sign was the fact that it seemed like everyone was going. I don't like socializing, unless it's with one or two friends. Any more people and I'm buried by my more boisterous and outgoing friends (being all of them).

Another depressing piece of information that was gathered today was the abolishment of any hope that Andrea won't move. Their realator (or whatever type of person she was) informed them of what their house was worth. To me, it was worth a lifetime of memories and a home. To them, whatever the money worth was was enough to buy this new house they are looking at. When I first heard that they were going to move, I spent a good hour crying in my room. I couldn't stand the thought of not seeing Andrea ever day. I didn't want to loose our friendship. Now, though, something's changed. Whether it's the cruel laughter at cruel jokes or the constant obsession with the materialistic things, I've begun to realize that the Andrea that's leaving isn't the Andrea that I know and love and this new one deserves no tears at all.

2 Responses to “Lesson Learned”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Awwww...Sarah, I didn't mean to blow you off at the dance. You should have talked to me. I'm sorry that I haven't been paying you the attention I should be, all of my after school focus has been going to Becca and Scott and I'm sure you must hate me for that. The dance wasn't very good for anyone, things keep looking worse and worse for Tracy and Blake, Soctt doesn't have Becca and Sammy blew him off, there was the me and Alex thing and then being at the dance with Scott. But don't let it make you shy away from dances, they can be lots of fun if you don't have so much drama. Anywho, I'll talk to you later, I have an intresting proposision for a Halloween party.  

  2. # Blogger SafeTinspector

    I always wondered what went on at those high school dances everyone always went on about when I was a kid.

    Sounds as if I hadn't missed much.  

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