The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Catholics are people too

For the first time this year, we didn't have a game on Friday. My hopes of going to Friday Night Frenzy, though, were short lived. Bre asked me to come with her to a La Salle game and I couldn't say no. Besides, I missed Becca.

The game was pretty much like any other high school football games (a lot of talking, not a lot of watching). I was surprised to find that both Scott and Becca kinda sorta like me. In fact, I'm surprised when I find out anyone likes me. How they got that crazy idea is beyond me.


I expected the stereotypical catholic school. Overall nice people, rather pathetic cheerleaders, and a really bad football team. Well, this hasn't been my week for right answers and I landed a 1/3. Yeah, their football team was, surprisingly, worse than ours. The cheerleaders, though, rocked (Becca's a cheerleader so how could they not). One of the funniest things that night was seeing Becca and noticing that she was the tallest (or one of the tallest) on the team. Becca's TINY. She has to wear her high heeled, pointy toe shoes just to be eye level with everyone else.

Becca believes that if she went to Rex Putnam, she'd get raped or molested or something else to that extent. Well, we agreed with her until we actually visited the school. That night, I witnessed more language, more "OMG, they did NOT just do that in public!", and more naked guys then I have in the past month and a half at Putnam.

Despite having crappy bleachers that probably haven't changed since my dad went there (early 70's), having no cover for the bleachers, and having a very tiny cheering section, La Salle did have a few things that Putnam sadly does not. The best part: they have streakers. Why do they get streakers and we don't? They're Catholic for Christ sakes! Another thing that they have and we don't is a mascot. They we able to get someone to walk around in a blue bird suit but we can't even get a guy to trot a horse across the field. At La Salle games, creepy people can get their Furry fix. When we're getting creamed, we need a half time pick-me-up. Hey, maybe our newly named streakers could run along side him.

La Salle has nearly perfected the art of the pep: they have kick-ass cheerleaders, streakers at halftime, and a dude wearing a bird costume. But there's one thing that we have 'em beat on. Pep Band. Oh ya. We rock. Our entire Concert band can drown them out. It's LITTLE! They have 1 or 2 flutes, 1 or 2 clarinets, 1 bari sax, 3 percusionists, 2 trombones, and a couple other things that I can't quite recal. They lack the passion of the Pep. It's rather sad, because when your team's getting creamed 7-42, everyone could sure use a a blaring rendition of the Hey Song. Being a band member, believe me, it helps.

1 Responses to “Catholics are people too”

  1. # Blogger SafeTinspector

    Did you ever hear the Aesop fable of the bugle boy?
    He was captured by the enemy, and begged for his life, saying, "I don't even have a weapon!"
    The enemy was unmoved, however, and cut him down with his sword. A companion asked him why he was so brutal, and the answer was that the bugle was the most formidable weapon of all, for it can inspire the men to fight more effectively and inspire them to bravery.

    Not a cheery fable, but seemed appropo considering your mentioning the need for a quality marching band.

    I went to a Lutheran high school. I will tell you that we had our share of bad eggs. Many times troubled kids are sent to private school by their concerned parents hoping that parochial educators will care more and control their demon spawn.
    What you end up with is a bunch of troubled youths in higher density than you would in a standard public school.  

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