The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Fa la lalala lala la la

~~Written in 3rd period~~

Odd...I'm in an incredibly good mood today, and have been for the past couple days. I don't really know why. I spoke, a while back, of bringing balance to the Force. How, after extreme spells of happiness, I experience extreme spells of depression. Well, I guess it works in reverse, too. So, now I'm happy, and, uh, yeah... The upside is well, happiness (duh), but the downside is I don't have anything to rant about. So, I don't really know what to write about. Hehe, this is funny. Weeeeeee...!


Omg, I did awesome on my speech! I think... Well, I got 5+'s and a 6-, so that's gotta mean something, right? I thought I dreaded speeches, but I've actually come to love them. Now THAT is strange. AnD oMg!!! LOST ROCKED!!!! It was a Sayid flashback, and those are AWESOME! I think every guy on this island has had a crazy moment. Locke's and Jack's was about the hatch, Hurley's was about numbers Danielle had written (4 8 15 16 23 42 creepy...), Sawyer's resulted in him taking the guns, Charlie stole Aaron while he was sleep walking, and Sayid nearly tortured a guy to death. But who cares? They're all hot. Well, not so much Hurley and Locke.

It's strange that I'm so happy, though. After all, I spent yet another Valentines Day single, PE continues to be hard, and I have a broken toe.

~~The Following Written at the End of the Day~~

We're only given so much hope in a day. By about the end of 3rd period, my stock runs out. During the 7 minute bus ride home, reality tends to come crashing down. Why does life have to be like this? Our world is wrought with corruption, hate, yet no one wishes or dares to address it.
Ah, the wonderful fight or flight responce. How my soul aches to run. "Where" matters not, as long as it's far from people; far from those who annoy me, hurt me, make me cry; far from those who know nothing but destruction. But I can't. These things must change, and if I run, I instantly relinquish my right to complain about them. If I run, who am I to critize others who do the same? So, if I'm not gonna fly, I guess I must fight, but for what? My own sanity? For those who have lost their's? For the promise I made to my child self years ago? I don't know, but things can't stay as they are. That would be the worst fate of all.

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