The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Gar, the pain!

I'm in pain right now. Mental, emotional, physical, the whole lot. And, to tell you the truth, it's quite annoying.

My big toe, which, you may recall, I broke a couple months ago, has taken upon itself the task of sending streams of pain whenever it rains. Being an Oregonian, I'm extatic about that. Also, my body chose to declare an Everything-Hurts day on Saturday. That day progressed to 2 days, and it's now evolved to 3. My shoulder, neck, throat, knee, back, and, of course, my psycic toe all seem to have been onset with a God-forsaken pain. Oh, and my eyes. I have no idea what's up with them. Whenever I look to the side, they hurt. You can't sprain your eyeballs, can you?

While it's the physical pain that's been distracting me most of the time, I'm not feeling so good emotionally or mentally, either. I'm sure my grades are going to begin to drop. I've hit the worst level of procrastination. Everything is 'Oh, I'll do it later'. Then I sit on the couch and continue to do nothing. I've hit rock bottom, educationally speaking. Remarkably enough, though, I have straight A's (although I'm sure that's going to change in History). So, even though I feel like I'm the world's worst student, I'm still pretty damn good.

Emotionally, it's just the typical teenage angst. What do you expect?

4 Responses to “Gar, the pain!”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Ha! Welcome to my life, we get really cool jackets and membership cards.  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    Do we get perk points? Because I'm not joining if we don't get Perk Points  

  3. # Blogger Aubrey

    ah yes, the perks, we have a pool that's open to members year round 24/7 and a special lounge with a sushi bar.  

  4. # Blogger Scott

    bre, your life isn't as bad as you make it out to be.  

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