The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Behold! The Future!

On Friday, my mom went to a psycic. That's something I've always wanted to do, but I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer. While she mostly told my mom about her future, she did ramble off a few things about me. I've tried to shove them into the back of my mind, and, because I wish to suppress all knowledge of them, I won't say them here, either. Knowing the future is something that I desire and fear. Is the future a psycic sees a future of us knowing the future, or not knowing? Could we run from what our predicted future, or will it still catch up to us? Can we escape our fate? This train of thought seems somewhat Donnie Darko-esque. If we see our path, could we have the ability to change it? I think we can, and that's why I'm trying to push everything the psycic said to the back of my mind. I'm gonna go on living as though I never heard what she said. But, if I don't act on what I know my future will be, will that completely change it? Oy, predicting the future is so complicated!

2 Responses to “Behold! The Future!”

  1. # Blogger Elentine

    I'm, um, an open-minded sceptic, I suppose. I mostly believe that your future is what you make it, but you never know...  

  2. # Blogger Aubrey

    I don't think it's a bunch of crap, people can believe what they want to believe. Also, it kinda is true to a certain extent, people who claim that they can see the future (not saying they can or can't) usually "see" general ideas like "there will be a change in your life". Anyone can relate that to their life cuz:
    1.) There's always changes in your life
    2.) If you believe something is gonig to happen, chances are you can do whatever it takes to make that happen, even if you do it subcontiously.
    So with that sence, the people aren't lying or anything.  

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