The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Love, or lack thereof

I live in a utopia. A sweet, naive world where the pain of love is never known; where the importance of friends remains unrivaled. I'm the last of my breed amongst our group of friends. Half are in sweet oblivion, and the other half are simply in oblivion. But the lesson that all this has taught me is that being single is great. Or is it?

There certainly are perks. You don't have to bother yourself with pressure. Am I moving too fast? Am I going too slow? Does he like me as much as I like him? My current life has enough stress without a boyfriend adding more. And the break up...oh, dear God, the break up...What every breakup has taught me in the past is that once it's over, it's over. Say goodbye to the friendship that once brought mutual happiness. In my special little mind, I don't get why anyone would ever forsake a bond like friendship.

Are girls and boys only ever friends with eachother because of a growing crush? Amongst our group of friends, that's certainly true. Andrea only ever began talking to Scott because she had feelings for him. The same goes for me and Bre becoming friends with Jeremy, and, I'm just guessing on this one, but Bre becoming friends with Scott. I've settled into the cushy spot of friend, as I've done with every single guy I've had a crush on. Going any further, though, terrifies me. Because when it ends, and it eventually will, will the friendship that was previously cherished end as well? That's something I simply can't handle. While I sometimes may not act like it, friends are the single most important thing to me. They come before music, school, even family.

By watching past relationships, I've found some basic rules...
1)Don't ignore your boyfriend. While friends are important, your boyfriend's a friend, too. Even more so.
2)Include all friends. I can personally say that being the third wheel (or fifth wheel on occation) sucks.
3)If you must end it, do it gracefully, and with class. AIM, text message, email, they've all made breaking up easier, but only for the one choosing to break up. For the one on the other end, the means make the end all the more woeful.
4)Communicate. A relationship built on lies easilly crumbles. Any TV show will tell you that much.

While recent relationships have discouraged my desire for someone, it's something I wish to experience nevertheless. "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

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