The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

So, you think I'm a good writer...Adventures in Nostalgia Pt. 1

Yes, I believe I'm a pretty good writer. Until I saw my 3rd grade journal. This is part 1 of the nostalgia series (modern day comments are in italic)...

Written 10/22/99, Title: The Evil Wizard and a Witch

First off, I'm writing this exactly how I wrote it, spelling errors and all...Once upon a time there was an evil wizard named James (I had a major crush on him that year) and a witch named Samantha. The witch was very nice and did good deads (let the spelling errors begin!) to all. Once the evil wizard cast an evil spell over the whole kingdom. Everone started to act mean. The whole kingdom even the king said the good witch had to get out of town. If the good witch didn't get out of town the witch would be fourst (o_O) to go into the dragons lair. So the witch got out of town. The wizard made the king give him the crown. James the evil wizard was now known as James the great (for those who knew James, I think I captured his ego pretty well). The witch on the other hand was thinking of a way to undo the spell. The wizards power was a little better than the witch's power so teh witch had to think really good. The witch didn't know if she should go back to the kingdom or not. The good witch thought and thought and than finaly she made up her mind. The good witch decided to go back to the kingdom. (I'm not sure if this was supposed to be a paragraph, but since this one's so lengthly, I'm gonna say it is)

She new she was taking a rist of getting barbaquedbut (really, there wasn't a space there!) she was willing to take that risk (why, I don't know...). So when she went back, the whole evil kingdom played a trick but the witch didn't know it was a trick. So the witch thought everything was back to normal but than a giant new came down on her-just as Jamse had planed. The wizard took (brace for the sudden random name change...) Sarah to the dungeon just as the good witch had pla??ned (there were some random characters thrown in there. $5 to the person who can decipher them). The witch used her magic al powers to unlock the gate. The witch was free! Sarah (I didn't even catch myself the second time!) told James to fight but James rand and got in his secret rocket and froze himslef all the way to the 90's (now we know when I first saw Austin Powers). So did Sarah. What whil hapen to James and Sarah? Only the fucher (not a word you want to mispronounce) wil tell us. (I kid you not, there was a heart drawn around that period)

If you've gotten to the end, thou art a brave one. Please, leave a comment so I know who deserves a piece of my imaginary pie.

3 Responses to “So, you think I'm a good writer...Adventures in Nostalgia Pt. 1”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I'm watching Sons And Daughters (ah yes, the wonders of DVR) and there was a party and the kid's dad was like "did you know Jeff was throwing a party tonight?" "Yeah" "then why the hell aren't you there?!" "It's the Lost marathon, I'm not going." lol sounds like something you'd say. anywho. yeah  

  2. # Blogger Aubrey

    ROFL! Wow, you must of had a crush on this guy, I mean, you wrote about him taking you to a dungeon and what not. lol.  

  3. # Blogger Elentine

    lol, yeah, i was a freaky little 3rd grader. Then again, it was the year of Pokemon...

    lol, yay Lost marathon!! That's totally me.  

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