The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Just Memories

These past two weeks have been rather eventful, so, of course, I've failed to mention any of it. Well, here it is...

1)Possibly the most noticable in my life is the surgery, which happened last Tuesday. Being in the hospital again wasn't exactly what I'd call pleasant, but I somewhat enjoyed being back for a very temporary visit. It's my old stomping grounds, you know? One thing I didn't expect was for the surgery to have a lasting pain. It's just the removal of a piece of metal, but it hurts like hell to walk. Urgh, now I'm wishing they never took it out in the first place. Once they saw that they'd have to chissel away some bone to get it out, they should've just left it. Oh well, atleast it got me out of PE.

2)Gradumacation was uber boring, but playing in the Schnitz was pretty cool. Those chairs were pretty nice, though. The Bohemian Rhapsody they did was awesome. God, I love that song...

3)The hardest day of the year? The last day of school. Worse this year than last year, for obvious reasons. But it did have its good points, or, rather, good point. I think of all the things we did every day that are just memories now. Ah, no, it's too depressing. I'm in a good mood now and I don't want to spoil it.

4)Andrea and I went to go see cars. Like every other Pixar movie, it rocked. I forgot my money, though, so all we had was Andrea's $5, so she went up and bought her ticket, and we both just kinda walked in. It didn't bug me, though, because that's just me, livin' on the edge. I've found, though, that I can't go to a movie without popcorn. A couple times during the movie, I reached into the cup holder, hoping I'd find a tasty morsel or something there.

It's been a good summer, so far. Andrea's almost completely moved into her new house, which is awesome, by the way. Uberly better than her old one. It has a half court! On the 29th, me and my mom are going to see the Importance of Being Earnest down in Ashland. I'm looking forward to that. To top it off, the hotel we're staying at gives away free apples! AND THE ZOO!! WOOHOO, THE ZOO!! IHAVENTBEENTHEREINFOREVERSOEXCITEDWEEEEEEEEEEE!!

2 Responses to “Just Memories”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    And we're also gonna try and do a 4th o' July party, right?  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    Oh yeah, definately!  

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