The Band Bus

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Homophobia is gay

This was a subject that sparked much debate on, and for good reason. Not homophobia specifically, but homosexuality in general. Back in the 1800's, we were breaking down slavery; the 1900's provided equality to those of all races and genders (or, failing that, atleast a mutual tollerance). Now, at the turn of our century, this seems to be the new social barrier that we're faced with. Will it fall like the others before it, or will this hatred continue to be a scar far into the future?

I'm convinced it will fall, as they all tend to do. As our civilization grows, so do our ideals and principles. Many say homosexuality is not "normal", but what exactly is "normal"? It varies over time and opinion. Without a doubt, my idea of normal is far different from yours.

Why are people against gays adopting children, or serving in the military? Why does being a homosexual mean you're less of a person? Sure, if we allowed these things, it would shake stuff up, but, you know, we'd get over it. We'd move on, because that's what a progressive society does.

What frightens me is how devided we, as a people, are on this subject. You'd think more would see that for us to be a free nation, an equal nation, we need to embrase people of all nations, genders, and sexual orientations. Equality does not allow you to pick and choose according to 2000 year old principles. There was a reason they called it the "dark ages". Although maybe it's fitting, as we seem to be heading into a Dark Age, if not in one already.

I said earlier in this post that homosexuality will become accepted eventually, but now that I think about it, I'm not so sure. With governments that do nothing and people that think nothing, I don't see how possitive change is even possible.

Despite all I have to say about this, I wish we would ignore it for a while. Right now, there are those out there who, honest to God, are fighting for their lives. Why aren't there lengthy blog posts and 50 pages forum threads about that? Surely we haven't sunk so low as a society that no one cares. Given the current state of things, I'm not too sure.

4 Responses to “Homophobia is gay”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    lol there's a shirt that says "homophobia is gay"  

  2. # Blogger Aubrey

    But anyway, homosexuals should be allowed to get married, I don't see how it would hurt our country in anyway, and if they want to adopt they should be allowed to, it'll get more kids out of foster homes and into loving, caring families. Anywho, there's my two cents on the matter. HP ROX MY SOX *does ghetto happy dance*  

  3. # Blogger Elentine

    *trips, breaks neck, rolls down hill and off cliff, eaten by shark*  

  4. # Blogger Aubrey

    hehehe, I personally am still partial to my coma theory, only this time his mom and dad die in the car crash and when he comes out of the coma it'll be is girlfriend (oddly resembles Ginny named Jenny) and two best friends (cue Ron and Hermione look a likes named Don and um, something that sounds like Hermione...) that tell him that he's been in a car crash and his parents are dead. Good thing about it: Sirius is still his godfather AND is still alive. So yeah CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SON, THERE'LL BE PEACE WHEN YOU ARE DONE, LAY YOUR WEARY HEAD TO REST, DON'T YOU CRY NO MORE!  

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