The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

High School, Level 2

I know you're kinda expecting another nostalgic "Ah, remember that time this summer when...." type of thing, because I do that a lot. Everything worth talking about has been said, though, so I decided to screw that and talk about recent events. The first day of school comes in two parts, which is nice, because the first day is the only exciting or enjoyable day of the whole year. Going back really didn't feel a whole lot different. It wasn't like a new chapter, or even a new section in the chapter. At best, it was just a new paragraph. A bit different than the year before, but not by much, and the routine could be picked up right away.

Day One: 2/5 -- It starts out promising enough, with Arend and a nice replacement for Hammonds, Reynolds. I enjoy those classes, of course, but it's the others that really reck the day. Back in middle school, almost every class spent five minutes a day just quieting everyone down. I'd forgotten that last year, with honors classes, but I'm brutally reminded of it in Mayer's class. To top it off, the person I know best in that class is Chris, who I said maybe five words to last year. And then I go from that hell hole to the snoozefest that is Algebra 2. And then I go home. Woop-ti-frickin-do. I give these 7 hours of monotony a 2 out of 5.

Day Two: 4/5 -- It's days like these that make school worthwhile. In French, we have a hot German exchange student who has the most adorable accent. When we heard him talk for the first time, all the girls in the class were just like "Oh yeah...." Then I have band, which is, ya know, band. Nothing more, nothing less. After a delightful lunch, I ship off to Schelenburg, where I find out that I'm the only person of the female gender enrolled in Intro to Game Programming. No problem there, though. It just means more for me. Hell, I already met a pretty cute guy. Following Schelenburg, I have Health with Hill, where we spend more time philosophizing than studying health. Again, no problem there. While I could've used a few more friends in the classes, it's still above and beyond the better day. I give Day 2 a 4 out of 5.

(If you've seen Xplay, I hope you get the reference)

1 Responses to “High School, Level 2”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Ah, Xplay, haven't seen it in a while. I actually kind of miss watching it. lol.  

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