The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

It's hard out here for a geek

With the success of the Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, and Star Wars Prequel movies, it seems anyone can pass for a geek these days.

If every sequin-purse-toting, chihuahua-owning, Hollister-worshipping prep thinks they can call themself a geek because they saw Revenge of the Sith and Spiderman 2 (because Toby and Hayden are just sOoOoO hot!) than it is a sad day my friends.

If that is anywhere near your reason for seeing the best Star Wars movie of our generation (which just includes the prequels, so it's like saying it's the least offensive of all the flatulents), then please, oh please don't call yourself a geek.

Seriously, please.

Stop it.

A geek is someone who has not only seen EVERY Star Wars movie (not just the ones with bishy Hayden Christenson and Ewan McGregor) , but can quote nearly the entire saga. If you have frequently edited a website (not MySpace), discussed the phylisophical meanings behind any graphic novel or anime (not Naruto or Dragon Ball Z), or began a sentance with the words "Well, you know that one episode of Star Trek when...", well, I hereby award you with a ceremonial pocket protector, because you have been inducted into the Hall of Geeks. Welcome to the club.

If every sequin-purse-toting, chihuahua-owning, Hollister-worshipping prep thinks they can call themself a geek because they saw Revenge of the Sith and Spiderman 2 (because Toby and Hayden are just sOoOoO hot!) than it is a sad day my friends.

We geeks must fight back!

Do you think that, after decades--nay, centuries!--of persecution involving dodgeball and swirlys, we'd just let you into the club with open arms? No! Now stop where you are right now and return to the name brand stores from whence you came!

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