The Band Bus

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A Generation Failed

Two years. Two years, and we can finally set things right. But how many won't live to see then? How many sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters will fail to see that day, dying needlessly for a hopeless war?

So ignorant of the real world, we remain in this war for one reason: to attempt to save a failed legacy. How? How? How can any one person do this? Tomorrow, another soldier'll be killed. Killed for a lie. Killed for a loss. Killed for absolutely nothing. Nothing.

Iraq's "democracy" will be overthrown in the coming year, if not before. We can't win this one. For once, we're the ones that need to call it quits. America's been in this war longer than WWII. Now there was a war. There were equal weapons, enemy lines, and most importantly, an enemy. An enemy we could definitively label as "evil". A villain to make us the hero.

That doesn't exist now. We're both villains. "To us, they're the opposers of truth and justice. To them, we're the enemy, the evil empire. There is no good or evil, only hate." - LIFE as Seen By Cynical

Is it not our job to make the world a better place? To take it and improve it for the generations to come, while honoring the generations past. If that is indeed our perpose, then I fear we as a people have failed.

Here's to two years from now, and for those who will never see that day.

4 Responses to “A Generation Failed”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    you might want to put quotation marks around "To us, they're the opposers of truth and justice. To them, we're the enemy, the evil empire. There is no good or evil, only hate."  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    They aren't there? Oh, oops, lol. I'll get right on it  

  3. # Blogger Scott

    First thing first, very good writing.
    I respect your right to say that, but I don't respect what you said. It is sad that alot of people have died in Iraq, but it just isn't taken for granted. We can turn our heads to a problem, but it doesn't go away. Something the media doesn't say is all the little stuff that is happening. All the good stuff happening down there is keeping our soldiers going. Also, our soldiers weren't drafted. If we call this war a mistake it'll be like slaping them in the face. Do you get what i'm saying? I'm not trying to piss you off.  

  4. # Blogger Christine

    Wow, you're such a beautiful writer. I loved made politics romantic. Rather than hearing Ian jabbering on (no offense to him, we know we love him, lol) about some random political issue, this made a good, very good point, not that Ian's aren't, and maintained a style that made the reader CARE. Heh. Kudos to you for that!
    And I agree. I don't think that the US is going to help. I mean, they've been fighting for hundereds of years, do we really think we can just go in a fix it? Yeah...there's my two cents.

    BTW -
    "To us, they're the opposers of truth and justice. To them, we're the enemy, the evil empire. There is no good or evil, only hate."
    No good or evil? Speaking of Ian, I think he'd appreciate that, heh.  

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