The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Eekers! Sorry, guys!

Wow, I'm in a really good mood right now, because I finally got five stars on Free Bird. Woohoo! That being said, I'm really sorry about the hiatus. It's been, what, two, three weeks? Jeeze. Again, I appoligize. Whenever I go on the computer, I end up checking my email, but then the ADD kicks in, and then I start playing World of Warcraft. Jebus, that game is adddicting, especially once you find people you actually know on there. I was questing with Chris E. last night, and I created a charater on Gnomeregan today, because I think Nick said he and Welker have low level characters on that server. I'm sure you're ever so glad that I just gave you those tidbits of info, but that's been my life for the past...I dunno, few weeks?

Recently, as y'all know, life's been a bit crazy. Ian's party, our slaughtered backboard, stocks. Oh, apparently L.O. killed us on Saturday, but thankfuly spared the hoops. That Love guy scored 36 points in that game, so if we played just him, we'd have two points.

I've forgotten what an amazingly good movie the Fellowship of the Ring is. It's, like, really, really good. Truth be told, I haven't watched it all the way through since...oh man, I don't even know when. My extended DVD skips at about the part when Sauruman is using the plantir. I think. And then when the movie's shown on TNT, I don't come in until well after the halfway mark. So, yeah, that's an awesome movie. You should watch it. Again.

I had a rather odd mini-revelation earlier this week. One of my favorite music genres is...Alternative Folk. The World Spins Madly On, Orange Sky, the Blower's Daughter, and Waterfall are all amazing songs, and apparently they're alternative folk. Folk! Who'da thought...

Road trip reservations are finally complete. We got done planning everything, then realized there was one day that we totally skipped over, so we added another day at the Austria Hoff Lodge (Yosemite area). That'll be cool, because there's yet another canyon south of there I'd like to see. Of course, by this time in the trip, I'll, in all likelihood, be, like "Seriously? Another freakin' canyon?" Ahh...summer just can't come fast enough.

I finally had it with Logan. Y'all know me. You know that it takes a helluva lot to take me to the breaking point. That should give you an idea of just how abnoxious this guy is. Before break, I called him an ass, which felt pretty damn good. In Game Programming, our final is to develope our own game, and I was able to get into a group with Quinn, Robby, Gabe, this Clackamas kid, and no Logan! Yay! To top it all off, they went with my idea. I really hope we get it up and running, because I'd love for you guys to play it.

Sorry about the pure babbling. After a two-and-a-half week hiatus, you should atleast get some lengthly, polically charged rant, but, hey, at least it's something. I could say that I'll try and be more on top of things this year--holy shit, I just realized this is the first post of the new year! -- but I'd just be lying out my ass. Finals are coming up, and you can expect me to be irritable from now until the end of January. Wooty-freakin'-woot.

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