The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Ah, Crap. Not Again...

Dang it. I can run as fast as I wan, but it's still going to catch up with me. Argh, I have a crush on someone. Technically, two someones, but one doesn't count, seeing that he's a celebrity and at least quadrupal my age (I speak of the uber sexy Jeremy Irons, whose picture (for my pleasure) you may find below). the name of the other someone, however...that is something to be known only between me and my cats. And probably the fish, seeing as he's a nosey little bugger.

So, yeah, this crush...well, I already know going inot it that it'll never culminate into anything, but hope knows no logic. You know what I really want to do with him? Take him into my basement, get on the couch, a movie. My needs are that simple. If that movie watching evolved into video game playing, I could totally go for that.

What sucks, though, is that I thought I'd be spared that portion of High School this year. Ugh, relationships that weren't....You're all familiar with the Jeremy saga, are you not? Now there's one rollercoaster I'm no inclined to throw up on again. No sir. Yet here I am, swooning. Friggin' hormones.

10 Responses to “Ah, Crap. Not Again...”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    "You know what I really want to do with him? Take him into my basement, get on the couch, a movie."

    Lmao. that's great...Ah yes. I know how you feel, it's been almost a year since I've gone out with someone and I've liked one or two people for quite a while, but chances are neither of those is going to amount to much. Anyway, Sarah and *insert name here* sittin' in a tree...  

  2. # Blogger Christine

    OMG, I totally cracked up at the couch thing! only advice is don't fret. Embrace your feelings! If you overthink them, well, that's stressful. Trust me, this is coming from the QUEEN of overthinking!

    On the other hand, if you underthink them, you may be passing an oppurtunity!!

    But yeah, I don't know whether you listen to me, because when I have it for someone I really have it for them. I'm sure you know that.

    Anyway, best of luck with mystery man (who's CLEARLY Daniel Radcliffe, after those photos that came out ;D)!  

  3. # Blogger mosh

    Go for it, i don't see why not. The best part of a relationship is when you start flirting and you start thinking something is going on. There is so much excitment in it. You should tell us who!  

  4. # Blogger Elentine

    *hits head on table* lol, Oops...yeah, forgot the picture...I'll put it up...eventually, lol.  

  5. # Blogger Aubrey

    hahahaha, I know who, Scott's just lame.  

  6. # Blogger Elentine

    Oh, you do, do you?  

  7. # Blogger Christine

    Ooh! I want to know! I luvs you Sarah, please tell! sniff sniff

    no one EVER tells me anything...!!!! MEH >_<  

  8. # Blogger Aubrey

    Yes I know, as I recall you told me...  

  9. # Blogger Elentine

    Oh, right, him....Well, I've changed my mind since then.  

  10. # Blogger Christine

    Still wanna tell me? :D  

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