The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Sorry about the hiatus

Well, I know I haven't posted much lately, but that's really because there's nothing to post about. I know I'm gonna regret saying this once that time comes around, but I'm sorta missing school. Atleast then I was actually doing something. This is my daily schedule:
  1. Wake up (a process taking 30 minutes to an hour)
  2. Play Oblivion OR surf the internet for things about Oblivion
  3. Dinner
  4. If I played Oblivion before, I'm on the internet now (and vice versa)
  5. Go to room and play free cell
  6. Sleep
  7. Repeat steps 1-6
Exciting, is it not? I really just told you all of that so that I could make a list. I love making lists....

But no matter.

I think I've been playing too much Oblivion (see Steps 2 and 4). When we drove past a lake just outside of Sunriver, I actually skimmed the banks, looking for Nirnroots. I caught myself a few seconds after, but still, it's rather frightening. And I didn't do it just once, but multiple times at multiple locations! I've tried going cold turkey for a week, but I never get past the first...hour.

I know there are far more philosophical topics to discuss, but I really just can't bring myself to think about them. Happy moments are fleeting, so it's best not to ruin them with things that can be thougth about later.

Oh, sorry about the crappy appearance of the blog. I switched templates, wanting to know if editing that one would be any easier. It wasn't. Now I'm back to the original one, and I haven't been bored enough to customize it yet. Again, blame Oblivion.

Sunriver: something for everyone.

Damn, I love this place. I wish ya'll were here, though. There's something here for everyone.

For Andrea, there's bike riding. I've been on atleast one ride every day. Sometimes, I even go on two. That's two more than I've gone on in....well, two years. You know, if we lived around here, I'd go on a ride with you everyday. Sunriver holds a special place in my heart for biking, as I learned to ride those two wheeled monstrosities here.

For Jeremy, there's tennis courts, TONS of tennis courts. And, alas, I am without a racket, a ball, and someone to play against.

For Scott, there's video games. Here I am, surrounded by tons and tons gorgeous scenery, and I'm holed up inside. I think I've racked up 30 hours of Oblivion playtime just during my stay here. Oh, on the subject of Oblivion, you shall now refer to me as the Champion of Cyrodiil. Oh yeah, I beat the game, or, rather, beat the main quest. Even though that's done, there's still a helluva lot more to do. And it's still so purdy!

Anyway, for Bre, there's furry little creatures. Seriously, this place is thick with them. We traveled up to the Mouth of the Metolious, and the chipper-monkeys looked as though they were willing to kill for a peanut, even though their chubby little cheeks were already stuffed with them. Cute, but deadly, to be sure.

So, it sounds like Band Camp rocked. I'm definately going next year. That is, if Bre's going, too.

Recognize this background? Yup, it's the one I had a long time ago. Oh yeah, it's old school.

This week's gonna be dull....

Well, I guess this week's gonna be pretty boring, seeing as how my two best friends are off either riding or blowing. Once they come back, then Scott and I are leaving. I hope I'm not the only one to find this whole situation rather hillarious. It was a good thing we got the movie in when we did. I don't think we'll have another chance for another month.

That movie was a much needed get-together. It was nice seeing everyone together again. Afterwards, I kinda felt like we'd be seeing eachother again at school, come Monday.

Anywhatsit, I'm watchin the World Cup final, and it's come down to penalty kicks. They just showed two of the Italian players, and they were doing the Brokeback Mountain, arm-over-the-should thing. I'm rooting for France, but Italy's got the hotter players by far. Ah, and would you look at that, Italy won. I love watching the players celebrate, even when it's not my team. Oh my! You can show that on TV? Wow.... Oh dear....guys jumping up and down with scissors....this is gonna end badly. Ah, they're cutting his hair. So, it's guys jumping up and down with scissors near a guy's head. That's much better....Ok, well, that was a fun month. See you in 4 years.

My thumbs were sore so I took a break

This was the personality test on Bre's blog. I was having problems with the code, so I widdled it down to the really big ones and the really small ones. (More than 70 less than 25) I even arranged it from least to greatest, for you viewing pleasure! ^_^

Religious || 10%
Physical fitness || 10%
Hedonism |||| 16%
Extraversion |||| 20%
Narcissism |||||| 23%
Adventurousness |||||| 23%
Female cliche |||||| 23%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 70%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%

(Peter Pan complex means I live in a fantasy world, and I have no idea how Sexuality scored that high...)


As many of you know by know, my reward for achieving straights A's from 7th to 9th grade is an Xbox 360. For those who don't know games, let's just say it's really good. Well, the day of reconing has come. I'm afraid I must bid farewell to you, for I shall be unreachable for a while, until a group of orcs in Kvatch gets me frustrated, or something to that extent. What is the only downside to this wonderful time? The lack of a hi-def TV. Yes, I know I should have one. I hear the 360 can be murder if you don't have one. Oh well, that is what a savings is for. So, I bid you good day, good evening, and good afternoon, for I shant be returning any time soon. Well, ok, I'll be back for Bre's 4th of July party, but that's it! THEN I'm gone.

Side note: Ashland was fun, good food. The play was entertaining (The Importance of Being Earnest), although not as good as I'd hoped. All and all, a nice, much needed get-away.

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