The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

A Letter To Sam Adams (not the beer)

Dear Mayor Adams,

Talk about a shitty week for you. I've been hearing a lot of talk about you resigning, and I'm here to say don't do it. If it goes to anything, let it go to a recall election later this summer. Legally, I believe you did nothing wrong, so you shouldn't have to lose your job over this issue.

Mr. Breedlove was 18 at the time your relationship became sexual, as both you and he have stated, along with third parties. Also, as you and others have mentioned, it was Breedlove that initiated the relationship in the first place. While I do find it rather...ewwy that you had a relationship with someone that was over half your age, I don't have the right to judge. It was consensual and legal. Many criticize the fact that you lied about it, but I believe that we should let he without sin cast the first stone. Everyone has lied, and I'm sure a majority of people have, at one time or another, lied about their sexual relationships. It's only human.

There is simply too much to be done in this city to waste time over a ridiculous issue like this. You plan to do so many positive things for this city and I hate to see it all go to waste because of what should be a non-issue. Schools are desperate for funding, our infrastructure is falling apart, and joblessness is reaching new heights. Portlanders elected you with an overwhelming majority because they believed -- and hopefully still believe -- that you are capable of handling these issues.

Voters put you into office, so if you must leave, let voters take you out. In the mean time, don't let this issue distract you from what you were elected to do: govern Portland.


1 Responses to “A Letter To Sam Adams (not the beer)”

  1. # Blogger Scott

    It's a shame what has happened. I'm not entirely sure the whole story, but it just seems like someone is making a mountain out of a mole hole. He lied once (did he really lie or just not say anything about it? I'm not sure) about something trivial and mutual. Give him a strike and move on with life.  

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