The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

If I Might Say a Few Things

I did this a while back, and it felt therapeutic, so I figured why not try it again? It's a few nameless messages to people/things that I should get off my chest.

  • I don't feel like I'm settling for you. I could be really happy with you. Like, dancing-in-heaven happy. You seem to be what I've been looking for for years. Just, what others expect of me, I don't know... maybe I am settling.
  • I, um, well... I think that I'm starting to develop feelings for you. It's totally wrong, and it would totally mess up our relationship as friends, but, goodness, sometimes...
  • I really wish you would learn to stand on your own two feet. It's like an addiction for you. I have a really hard time respecting that, and therefor, I have a really hard time respecting you.
  • Tell me some things every now and again! Isn't that what friends are for? I'm not in that circle of trust, I guess, which is weird, because I thought we were close.
  • Thank you for just existing. It'd be utterly devoid of inspiration without you.

1 Responses to “If I Might Say a Few Things”

  1. # Blogger Christine

    Deep post is deep...


    I would recommend saying this directly to them; not necessarily to their face, but just to get it out there in the open.  

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