The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

I'm Baaaaack

It seems like the age of blogs is coming to an end, seeing as new posts are terribly infrequent. My last was exactly one month ago. It's nice, though, to have something of reference a few years down the road that reminds me just how stupid I was way back when. Like I said, though, several posts ago, it's hard to post when I'm happy. I just can't. That's not to say I'm not happy right now. I'm currently forcing myself to sit down and say a few things, for posterity and whatnot. This year, I've just been happy. Well, not so, I suppose. I was pretty depressed for a while there, but things realigned themselves, and I'm better than ever. Life's pretty sweet anymore.

I'm really finding myself this year (I say that of every year, though). I am who I am, and I think I know that now. And people are who they are. If they're happy, then I shouldn't interfere. Even if it comes at a cost, we're all going to go our separate ways here soon enough, and in the end, the only one we can account for is ourselves.

Anyways, I've just been happy these past few weeks. I love this time of year, so that could be a huge part of it. It could be also because in all the classes I've been in fear of, I currently have a pretty solid A. And it could be because of someone, someone whose friendship with me I don't quite understand but am most grateful.

Also, the song '39 by Queen. It's amazing. Listen to it. It doesn't make me happy in the way that Banana Phone makes me happy. It acts more like an eraser, getting rid of any angst, any anger that I may have and just leaving me with a pleasant, happy, tingly feeling. Also, the song is a sci-fi story set to a kind of country sound, and it's sung by Queen. What more do you need?

And now, for some pictures...

1 Responses to “I'm Baaaaack”

  1. # Blogger Christine

    OMG THAT ROSE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! i'm assuming you took them...most of your stuff is naturey, and I'm wondering how well you can do people? If you're good, I'll have you do my wedding photos...if not I'll have Hatheway do them...

    Yeah. This year has been rocky for me. I've had great amounts of stress, and relationship problems (don't worry, they're mostly worked out...I think...)! I was hoping they'd never happen, but...I finally admitted to myself that Ian can be a sociopathical, unempathetic, apathetic JERK. And he knows it, too.

    But yeah...I've kind of learned how to deal with myself...but I'm really wondering whether i'm going to make it through the year successfully -- we should do it together, somehow! ^_^

    I'm glad you're finding out who you are...that's always always great.  

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