The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Mopey McMopester

I haven't complained in a while. Mustn't have that, my Precious, oh no....

Has everyone all of a sudden discovered what the hell sex is? It seemed like naive bliss, then BAM! sexy times! Don't get me wrong, there's a little rush of, I don't know, rebellion or naughtiness every time I talk about it with someone, but it's like... I don't know. I guess I'm still just a kid and everyone's grown up.

Oh, and another certain thing that's been wiggling around in my head is that I don't really feel like I'm really accepted into any group. Sure, I hang out with a certain clan, but sometimes I'm worried I'm just a nuisance, like this little fruit fly that keeps buzzing around, like... Madalena. It doesn't matter what the truth is, this is how I see myself, or rather how I think others see me. It's been going on forever, too. First I tried to assimilate with Andrea's friends, but, God, it was so... boring! They're nice people, but Jesus! talk about intelligent things every now and again! I guess that and just the horribleness of elementary school kinda gave me a complex where I don't feel like I belong anywhere. And even when I'm in a group I like, I feel like I'm just a face that keeps popping up, that people acknowledge at first, but really just want to ignore it.

I don't know, I'm probably just being mopey and paranoid, but it's not fun when you spend your whole life as a third wheel of some sort.

3 Responses to “Mopey McMopester”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Nah, you're not like Madalena. People in our group have actually invited you to places and like hanging out with you. I know what you mean, though. It's like that with the drama people. I'm accepted by a few people, but I have no idea how many others really like me (they are actors, after all.)  

  2. # Blogger Christine

    There are few things I'm sure of in this world and one thing is this: SARAH IS NOT MADALENA.

    But I know how you feel. I have the same problem. I mean, I guess I depend on having Ian, but I don't even feel accepted by him when he's with his other friends. I feel like the third wheel, depsite being his girlfriend. Now THAT is what you call pitiful. I have Elaine, but if too many of our mutual friends come along, I again feel unimportant.

    I guess it's something everyone goes through, but don't worry. We can stick together and start our clan of rejects!!!  

  3. # Blogger Aubrey

    Haha, I love how Steen and I both skirt around the whole sex thing.  

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