0 Comments Published by Elentine on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 6:48 PM.

Wow, now that's a miracle of makeup. They succeded in making the uberly sexy Johnny Depp look like a freak. Hell, he was even kind hot in Edward Scissorhands. Now I'd pick an Oompa Looma over him. I shouldn't be surprised, though. After all, it is the great Tim Burton, who has, perhaps, a more messed up mind then the Christian Right (but in a good way). Whatever, it looks hillarious and totally messed up so I'm definately gonna see it. G'Nights!
One of the Best Star Wars Pics I've Seen
0 Comments Published by Elentine on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 3:46 PM.

Alrighty, I'm bored so I'm watching America's Most Haunted Places on the Travel Channel. They're doing a piece on Robert the Doll. I just read something that Spencer posted on a thing and it was about the doll. OMG, it's so scary looking!! Little evil beady eyes follow you everywhere! You actually have to ask it's permision to take a picture because your camera won't work otherwise. That's just AHHHHHH!! There's no way I'm going to Key West. Well, then again, it would be pretty cool to see. My oppinion's impared because it's daytime so I love ghosts. At night, I'm terrified. I'm such a chicken. I love zombie movies but at night I'm scared that one's gonna wander in my room and scare the crap outa me. I'm not so scared about it eating my brains or anything, I'm just scared about being scared. Lol, that's kinda funny. KITTY!! Sorry, it's the show. Anyway, I'm bored. That should explain this constant rambling. CREEPY DEAD STALKER KITTY!! I'll stop now.
HARRY POTTER IN 16 DAYS!! I'm guessing it'll take me 3 days to read it, just like OotP. I CAN'T WAIT!!
I Know How The Trunk Monkey Feels (well, not exactly)
0 Comments Published by Elentine on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 4:44 PM.
AUBREY'S GONE!! I'm so alone. A hillarious Dr. Phil was on and she wasn't there to join me in my laughter. They showed a close up of a bari sax on Ellen and she wasn't there. I haven't talked about Evita in 3 days!! Well, atleast i have my Salt and Vinagar Potato Chips.
Well, after many hours of editing and reediting, this the final (or almost final) result. I'm proud of it, mostly cuz I overcame the confusing cryptography of the blog codes (mostly). I'm trying to get a different background but that's for another time. For now, enjoy this custom made home of confusion. And, I'm getting used to this picture insurting thing. wOOt wOOt for me!! Now, enjoy this picture of an incredibly hot guy.

Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the army of God. Not always meaning that they are in war, simply that their job is to protect unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly with humans, but they will watch over them all the time. Humans say that when a miracle happens, thank your guradien angel.
I've found that I'm an addict. Not to drugs, alcohol, or Johnny Depp, but to food. It makes sense. 1)I love to eat
2)I get somewhat "snippy" when I don't get my fix
3)I get territorial with my cheese
So, knowing this, I apoligize for the previous rant and rants to come for they come from attempting to go cold turkey. Mmm, turkey...
2)I get somewhat "snippy" when I don't get my fix
3)I get territorial with my cheese
So, knowing this, I apoligize for the previous rant and rants to come for they come from attempting to go cold turkey. Mmm, turkey...
I Know It's Been Said Before But Society Sux!!
0 Comments Published by Elentine on Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 6:14 PM.
Damn society. It makes us feel lonely, it convinses us that our happiness can only be found in the arms of another, and it makes us thing that we never have enough. Fuck
Well, most of my friends have a boyfriend which, to tell you the truth, makes me feel like crap. Honestly, I see everyone happy with thier hand around their partners waist and I wanna hit someone (or something if a teacher's watching). Aubrey, one of my best friends, is now going out with Zack, and I'm happy for them, I really am. They're perfect for eachother. So damn fuckin perfect. Hmm, I have the feeling that I'm going to have more swear words then Eminem by the time this post is done.
I remember the sweet, inocent days long ago. The days of 25, Screw This Penguin, and February Sweeps. When I saw Aubrey curled up in the arms of Spencer, at first I thought awww, how cute but then I began to think Fuck, why can't that be me? Damn society. Now she's with Zack and is in oblivious, inocent bliss. Lucky bitch. God, I hope Aubrey never sees what I'm writing. She might have a few words for me. Oh well, I'm about 50 lbs heavier then her so I'll just sit and crush her.
We don't know what we have until it's gone. That seems to be the norm for mankind. That alone could really make this hell. I have a poem that I wrote about Hell on Earth. It's synical, depressing, and briliant. I'll have it posted soon.
Dinner's ready. That's the only thing society hasn't fucked up. Wait, society created Atkins. Never mind then. Oh well.
Damn society. It makes us feel lonely, it convinses us that our happiness can only be found in the arms of another, and it makes us thing that we never have enough. Fuck
Well, most of my friends have a boyfriend which, to tell you the truth, makes me feel like crap. Honestly, I see everyone happy with thier hand around their partners waist and I wanna hit someone (or something if a teacher's watching). Aubrey, one of my best friends, is now going out with Zack, and I'm happy for them, I really am. They're perfect for eachother. So damn fuckin perfect. Hmm, I have the feeling that I'm going to have more swear words then Eminem by the time this post is done.
I remember the sweet, inocent days long ago. The days of 25, Screw This Penguin, and February Sweeps. When I saw Aubrey curled up in the arms of Spencer, at first I thought awww, how cute but then I began to think Fuck, why can't that be me? Damn society. Now she's with Zack and is in oblivious, inocent bliss. Lucky bitch. God, I hope Aubrey never sees what I'm writing. She might have a few words for me. Oh well, I'm about 50 lbs heavier then her so I'll just sit and crush her.
We don't know what we have until it's gone. That seems to be the norm for mankind. That alone could really make this hell. I have a poem that I wrote about Hell on Earth. It's synical, depressing, and briliant. I'll have it posted soon.
Dinner's ready. That's the only thing society hasn't fucked up. Wait, society created Atkins. Never mind then. Oh well.
Well, it's officially summer and I should be having the time of my life, right? Yeah, I wish. This has been about the hardest day of my life and I have no idea why. It's not like any of my close friends are going to be leaving forever. For some horrible reason, I was about to cry. Well, I guess there's a couple of things to cry about. Becca's going to LaSalle and I'm going to hardly see her anymore. We weren't exactly good friends or anything but she was still great to have around. Our flute section just got a whole lot worse. Jenna, who I've known since, well, I guess kindergarden, is moving to Coos Bay and I'm NEVER gonna see her again. Once again, I'm not even her friend really, but knowing someone for that long and then just have them leave is hard. OMG, I'm crying right now. Wow. SEE?!
I've always been happy during the end of school. The good has always outweighed the bad. Now I'm depressed and so are a lot of other people. Aubrey and I were talking about how Becca was way too perky considering she's leaving all of us. Stefanie was crying all the way home. I can't blame her. I was about to do that too. Well, whatever. This is getting me too depressed. I'm done.
I've always been happy during the end of school. The good has always outweighed the bad. Now I'm depressed and so are a lot of other people. Aubrey and I were talking about how Becca was way too perky considering she's leaving all of us. Stefanie was crying all the way home. I can't blame her. I was about to do that too. Well, whatever. This is getting me too depressed. I'm done.
Alrighty. I'm not sure how long my attention span will go for so I'll be quick. Something apparently happened that I don't know about and it's pissing me off. Aubrey and I were talking about Scott and Becca and then she said I couldn't know something and changed the subject. I hate it when I know friends are keeping something from me. I don't mind them keeping someting from me but I hate it when I know it. There's tons of secrets I don't know about but when I know there's one I don't know about, I get frustrated. Make sense?
Anyway, the band overnighter. It was wierd. It was both equally fun and monotonous. I learned, or relearned, that there's a point when you're so tired you feel you're about to collapse. Then after that stage there's a point when you don't feel tired at all, although the slight swaying back and forth kinda shows that the lack of sleep's taking hold. I didn't know that the sun begins to rise around 4am, and the birds rise with it. Then again, I guess most normal people wouldn't know that. I can't believe I watched ping pong most of the time, or more accurately, watched Jeremy play ping pong. That' who I spent most of the with, and we mainly just talked about mangas. That was probably the best part of the night. That and listening to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Winston, and Reid sing karaoke.
Well, there goes my attention span again but I think I've said all that I could say about this subject.
Anyway, the band overnighter. It was wierd. It was both equally fun and monotonous. I learned, or relearned, that there's a point when you're so tired you feel you're about to collapse. Then after that stage there's a point when you don't feel tired at all, although the slight swaying back and forth kinda shows that the lack of sleep's taking hold. I didn't know that the sun begins to rise around 4am, and the birds rise with it. Then again, I guess most normal people wouldn't know that. I can't believe I watched ping pong most of the time, or more accurately, watched Jeremy play ping pong. That' who I spent most of the with, and we mainly just talked about mangas. That was probably the best part of the night. That and listening to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Winston, and Reid sing karaoke.
Well, there goes my attention span again but I think I've said all that I could say about this subject.
Band People are the Best People
0 Comments Published by Elentine on Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 8:00 PM.
I just got back from a band all nighter (go to concert at 6:30 pm on Friday and leave 6am on Saturday) and I'm bushed. I spent all night watching bad movies, drawing, and listening to semi decent karaoke. It was the 8th graders from ACMS with peeps from RPHS. I wish that they'd left all of the doors open cuz i'd love to wander the Putnam halls and several times i got locked out. Well, my attention span's failing so i'll write again with more details.