The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Let's Try This Again

Alrighty. I'm not sure how long my attention span will go for so I'll be quick. Something apparently happened that I don't know about and it's pissing me off. Aubrey and I were talking about Scott and Becca and then she said I couldn't know something and changed the subject. I hate it when I know friends are keeping something from me. I don't mind them keeping someting from me but I hate it when I know it. There's tons of secrets I don't know about but when I know there's one I don't know about, I get frustrated. Make sense?

Anyway, the band overnighter. It was wierd. It was both equally fun and monotonous. I learned, or relearned, that there's a point when you're so tired you feel you're about to collapse. Then after that stage there's a point when you don't feel tired at all, although the slight swaying back and forth kinda shows that the lack of sleep's taking hold. I didn't know that the sun begins to rise around 4am, and the birds rise with it. Then again, I guess most normal people wouldn't know that. I can't believe I watched ping pong most of the time, or more accurately, watched Jeremy play ping pong. That' who I spent most of the with, and we mainly just talked about mangas. That was probably the best part of the night. That and listening to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Winston, and Reid sing karaoke.

Well, there goes my attention span again but I think I've said all that I could say about this subject.

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