The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.


Alrighty, I'm bored so I'm watching America's Most Haunted Places on the Travel Channel. They're doing a piece on Robert the Doll. I just read something that Spencer posted on a thing and it was about the doll. OMG, it's so scary looking!! Little evil beady eyes follow you everywhere! You actually have to ask it's permision to take a picture because your camera won't work otherwise. That's just AHHHHHH!! There's no way I'm going to Key West. Well, then again, it would be pretty cool to see. My oppinion's impared because it's daytime so I love ghosts. At night, I'm terrified. I'm such a chicken. I love zombie movies but at night I'm scared that one's gonna wander in my room and scare the crap outa me. I'm not so scared about it eating my brains or anything, I'm just scared about being scared. Lol, that's kinda funny. KITTY!! Sorry, it's the show. Anyway, I'm bored. That should explain this constant rambling. CREEPY DEAD STALKER KITTY!! I'll stop now.

HARRY POTTER IN 16 DAYS!! I'm guessing it'll take me 3 days to read it, just like OotP. I CAN'T WAIT!!

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