The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Well, Okay

Well, it's officially summer and I should be having the time of my life, right? Yeah, I wish. This has been about the hardest day of my life and I have no idea why. It's not like any of my close friends are going to be leaving forever. For some horrible reason, I was about to cry. Well, I guess there's a couple of things to cry about. Becca's going to LaSalle and I'm going to hardly see her anymore. We weren't exactly good friends or anything but she was still great to have around. Our flute section just got a whole lot worse. Jenna, who I've known since, well, I guess kindergarden, is moving to Coos Bay and I'm NEVER gonna see her again. Once again, I'm not even her friend really, but knowing someone for that long and then just have them leave is hard. OMG, I'm crying right now. Wow. SEE?!
I've always been happy during the end of school. The good has always outweighed the bad. Now I'm depressed and so are a lot of other people. Aubrey and I were talking about how Becca was way too perky considering she's leaving all of us. Stefanie was crying all the way home. I can't blame her. I was about to do that too. Well, whatever. This is getting me too depressed. I'm done.

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