The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

I Know It's Been Said Before But Society Sux!!


Damn society. It makes us feel lonely, it convinses us that our happiness can only be found in the arms of another, and it makes us thing that we never have enough. Fuck

Well, most of my friends have a boyfriend which, to tell you the truth, makes me feel like crap. Honestly, I see everyone happy with thier hand around their partners waist and I wanna hit someone (or something if a teacher's watching). Aubrey, one of my best friends, is now going out with Zack, and I'm happy for them, I really am. They're perfect for eachother. So damn fuckin perfect. Hmm, I have the feeling that I'm going to have more swear words then Eminem by the time this post is done.

I remember the sweet, inocent days long ago. The days of 25, Screw This Penguin, and February Sweeps. When I saw Aubrey curled up in the arms of Spencer, at first I thought awww, how cute but then I began to think Fuck, why can't that be me? Damn society. Now she's with Zack and is in oblivious, inocent bliss. Lucky bitch. God, I hope Aubrey never sees what I'm writing. She might have a few words for me. Oh well, I'm about 50 lbs heavier then her so I'll just sit and crush her.

We don't know what we have until it's gone. That seems to be the norm for mankind. That alone could really make this hell. I have a poem that I wrote about Hell on Earth. It's synical, depressing, and briliant. I'll have it posted soon.

Dinner's ready. That's the only thing society hasn't fucked up. Wait, society created Atkins. Never mind then. Oh well.

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