The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

So... when's that Harry Potter 8 coming out?

I'm dead. It's dead. At 12:20 a.m. on July 22nd, I ended, for my part, the journey I set out upon so many years ago. No HP 8 to hop around joyously over. It's done. Finished. Gone down the curtain and joined the Chior Invisible. At least J.K. threw in my favorite two characters there at the end. That made me happy. But, all in all, I'm totally and completely dead, emotionally speaking. No more epicness. Fwoo, though, that book was one wild ride. I'll say no more on the subject (I think I've done enough damage already) except to say that that was one freaking good book. Especially last hundred pages or so... er, ahem, shutting up now. I need to find some nice, quite place to mourn, and then, in all likelihood, write fanfiction.

5 Responses to “So... when's that Harry Potter 8 coming out?”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Ah, yes, Post-Potter Depression. I'm completely content with the fact that there will not be another book.  

  2. # Blogger Christine

    I HAVEN'T READ IT YET SO I AM NOT YET SUFFERING. Don't be surprised if I commit suicide once I'm done...what else is there to life wihtout Harry Potter??? ='((((  

  3. # Blogger Aubrey

    haha, you're one of the poor people who mail ordered their books and don't get them until monday...  

  4. # Blogger Elentine

    At least we still have the movies and the fanfiction....  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous


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