The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Egads, got to write this fast...

Ever have a thought pop into your head that's so rediculous, you just burst out laughing, and every one just stares at you like you're a lunatic or something? I just had one of those. Osama Bin Laden smut fic... Oh Lord help us.... I'm sure those have to exist somewhere, in some God/Allah forsaken corner of the internet. I'm not entirely sure why I thought of it. It just kinda popped up, like, well, a pop-up.

Oh, I don't have the internet at the place at the beach, so I'm writing this from a restaurant computer (?!?). Sadly, that also means I can't upload the rest of the pictures, and I've got some pretty amazing ones from Yosemite, including a blury one of a bear that we nearly hit with our car. Pretty fun stuff.... Anyway, this computer is limited to 30 minutes per customer, so I have to go. I think there's an internet cafe or something around here, so I might try and hit one of those. Oh, and I'm back in Oregon. Go ahead and celebrate now.

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