The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Gone Quiet

Wow, the blogosphere's really quite dead, isn't it? No one's even commenting on anything. It's rather lonely. My breaking of the silence was going to be a post about the greatness of this country. It's about how we were founded on the belief that all men are created equal, and how we were meant as a breeding ground for new ideas of all sorts, and if we stay true to that prime directive, we cannot falter. But now I'm not really in the mood to keep writing it (it's unfinished, as many of my posts are), so there was my exceedingly brief overview.

I had a pretty good birthday, although, ironically enough, it was my quietest. You just usually don't think of sweet sixteens as being quiet. Hell, most people even forgot. I'd delve into that further but I'd hate to spoil a good mood. On a lighter note, I got that camera I was drooling over. It's got pretty much everything you could possibly want, except a good zoom. I can change the shutter speed, alter the exposure, basically do anything I'd ever want.

Summer's getting close! I'm so excited! We get out on the 14th, I get my braces tightened on the 15th, and then it's Hello Canyons! from then until July 3rd. Oh, and the band all-nighter is Friday. Wooty wootness. I'm fully prepared to duel anyone and everyone at Guitar Hero, unless of course that person is Sam, in which case, I will no doubt get my ass kicked.

I'm reading the Odyssey, which I think is incredibly fun. It's written in verse, which makes it even more enjoyable. The only downside is my project is to make a comic book, and I have to learn how to draw people in the next two weeks. It's not that hard, though. The human body's only the most complex figure to draw, particularly the hands. My god, it's hard to draw decent hands. Oh, and how do you pronounce Athene? Is it A-theen-i, A-theen-a, or just A-theen? Every time that name comes up (which is quite often), I ponder that question.

The clouds are yielding, the sun is ever present, and this is scarcely the time, but I feel it needs saying. Brighter days lie ahead. I can feel it, and it makes me anxious, to say the least. I want to sprint, I want to feel the wind of time caressing me as I race by. It's a rather odd thought to leave you with, considering the bulk of this post has been mostly fluff, but I just felt it could not go silenced.

3 Responses to “Gone Quiet”

  1. # Blogger Christine

    Yes...I haven't posted much, because they only thing I can post about that's worth reading, is very inappropriate, no matter how entertaining. Therefore, I don't post. It's Catch-22 kind of...which also happens to be the book I'm reading.

    Can't. Wait. For. SUMMER!  

  2. # Blogger Elentine

    You should post that inappropriate thing! We love inaprropriate things  

  3. # Blogger Christine

    I did...but I kept it bried and VEEERRRRYYY censored. Extremely censored.  

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