The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

4 Years Out

Hard to believe that it's been 4 years since the September 11th attacks, what with the president mentioning it in every damn speech he's ever given. Now, we're faced with a new tragedy, an even worse tragedy. Why does the president care so little about the people of New Orleans and those like them? Why did the terrorist attacks get so much more attention then this hurricane's getting by the government? Is it because we don't have someone to blame this time? Is it because our world has suffered so much tragedy in these past 4 years that we've learned to cope? I pray it's not the latter. We should never grow accustomed to death and tragedy. To feel, to hurt, is human. To loose our tears, we loose ourselves.

In these past 4 years, we've come to understand the meaning of hero. Edward W. Howe said, "A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around." When I first heard it, I took no note of it. It, at the time, seemed like another naive thought by the innocent. Now I know different. These days, those types of heroes are the ones that really matter. I make no money. I get a $10 allowance every week which I've recently been trying to save for a video games. Even I have donated $40. Countries that can't bake bread have donated more then they can afford. The world is filled with heroes now. It's an odd feeling, being both consumed with pride and shame. Pride at the reappearance of the worlds humanity and shame that money is all I could give.

Well, I'm being yanked off of the computer so I'll stop the rambling...for now...

2 Responses to “4 Years Out”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    Wanna know why Bush doesn't care about the hurricane? Because he's a stuck up, rich bastard. The reason why he cared so much about the 9/11 attacks was because a lot of the people that were killed were semi-rich bussiness people and those attacks were in New York. He doesn't care about what happend in Louisiana because a lot of the people are poor and he doesn't give a rats ass about people in the lower class.  

  2. # Blogger SafeTinspector

    mary morgan, melanie alamo: Buy music on interest free credit? I would like to purchase the rights to "Pimpin' Aint Easy" for all distributions both foreign and domestic!  

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