The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

*creepy alien voice* Friend...

I saw this on Bre's blog who saw it on Spencer's blog. It's a cool idea. Here's some messages I would like to give to my friends, anonymously, of course.

1. We might be drifting apart but I never had a better friend
2. You're awsome. You always will be awsome. If you ever stop being awsome, I'll write Not Awsome on a post-it and duct tape it to your forhead
3. I wish I had more friends like you that can do nothing and be perfectly content
4. I never see you anymore but you were one of the few things that made 7th grade enjoyable
5. You're a great guy and a great friend. I wish I took you when I had the chance.
6. You don't know that the high point of my day is talking to you, and you never will. I just wish I had the courage to talk to you more often.

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