The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

A Penguin In the Jaws of A Seal

It's nice to know that our government is able to concentrate on the issues that really matter. It's been days since Katrina struck New Orleans and Congress still hasn't formed to help these people. One might remeber Teri Shivo, a while back. When her feeding tube was removed, Congress assembled the very next day like a large, deranged team of super villans. When it's one white woman, the government functions at lightning speed, but when it's thousands of blacks, they'll get to it eventually. Earlier this summer, when the London bombings happened, I declared that there was no world anymore. It was only America and Iraq. Well, I can narrow down that list even further. Now there's only Iraq and white, Christian America. Of course, this is the general vibe I get from the government and many of the news networks. The actual people, the unfortunate pawns, are infinately more level headed and kind hearted then their elected officials. Even if Congress does get off its ass and gives some money to the suffering, it won't even come close to the money given by each person individually. I donated $40, money which I've been saving for a while to get a video game. Even countries so poor as to scarcely afford milk have donated some money. Apparently the United States govenment is the last to jump on the band wagon. Lazy or ironic? I'm not yet sure.

1 Responses to “A Penguin In the Jaws of A Seal”

  1. # Blogger Aubrey

    "A Penguin In the Jaws of A Seal" ROFL! Jazz Band, good times...  

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