The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Pit Bulls and Asses

Bre has enlightened me to the unnecessary and downright barbaric slaughtering of innocent pit bulls and all dogs that resemble them. That, I'm afraid, is merely the tip of the iceberg. Our (man's) ego and want for power has elevated us to great heights but now our heads are in the clouds and we are bling to all but ourselves. I've tried to ignore the fact, for ever time it crosses my mind, it sends me deep into thoughts of shame and sorrow. Thoughts that I only narrowly escape from.

How I would love to have a chat with someone who's so fucking pompous that they think that their life and their life only is worth saving. How my mind is wasted on this life. It aches for a long fight, a good fight but, looking upon the horizon, I fear that lust will never be quenched unless by some stroke of luck.

Going back to the topic of pit bulls, it seems that those are the only attacks reported, despite them being only #2 on the list of most aggressive dog breeds (German shepherds to the #1 slot and Labs follow the pit bulls at #3). No one ever hears on the news, "Child violently mauled by a Jack Russell Terrier while parents were getting drunk and not caring. But first, you 5 day forecast!" Well, the latter we hear all too often and, unless you live in someplace hot and everyday is predictably sunny, it's often wrong. It's yet another thing I have no faith in. Now, going back to more serious matters (not that the uselessness of the the 5 day forecast isn't serious) the Jack Russell comment wasn't a joke. They're one of the tip 10 biting breeds as well but I've never seen a crusade against them. Secondly, I'm sure 9 out of 10 dog attacks happen with an unsupervised child. If you asked me (which you wouldn't because no one does) the parents should be imprisoned for child neglect. Often times, the dog is chained up and/or in its own yard. That evidence alone would allow the dog to live were we living in a civilized world. For those who have read or seen the Prizoner of Azkaban, you will recall a similar situation with Buckbeak the hippogriff, who was sentenced to death simply because he did what ever other student at Hogwarts wanted to do. Unfortunately, for us muggles, we don't have timeturners so our innocent creatures and godfathers shall remain condemned.

I'm so passionate about this issue that I might, for once, do something about it (Le Gasp!) and let that be my legacy. Our legacy. Let us be known as the generation that finally does things right.

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  1. # Blogger Aubrey


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