The Band Bus

What happens on the band bus stays on the band bus.

Canadians are smart (that's the wierdest sentance EVER)

They are! And how could they not be? They have a very enlightening atmosphere. They're open minded, such as allowing same sex relationships in 4 legged mammals.

Yes, it's true. I saw two female bighorn sheep "expressing their love" right next to the highway and, miraculously, the government continued to funtion and some great, unseen force didn't smite them. These new teachings are wonderful.

I've also found why Canada has never had a terrorist attack. It's because they have signs saying you can't! Driving into some touristy waterfall area, there was a big yellow sign depicting a car, a rather shady looking figure, and what could either be a sun or a bomb. Then again, it could have been the international sign for drive-by tourism BUT I THINK NOT!! It was the Canadian sign for terrorism. This country confuzes and astounds me. Sheer brilliance.

Well, I should be going because I bought a movie (SW Ep. III) for $10 (Canadian) so I really should be watching it. Tata

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